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Why doesn’t Apoc gain charges when fighting Ultron drones in alliance quest?

I’m not sure if this has always been a thing, but we’re running map 5 right now. My team is Apoc, wolves, and kingpin. I usually take an early mutant fight, ramp Apoc up and horseman wolvie early on so that I can ramp Apoc again for rest of quest (I’m usually looking to take mutant fights for this reason).

After joining AQ I saw a mutant class ultron drone was open so took that as my first fight. Entering the quest I noticed Apoc still had 0 persistent charges. I thought it was odd, cause it was a mutant class drone, but figured it might be a visual bug, so upon completion of the fight I was suprised to see that, not only was Apoc not fully ramped up, but he hadn’t gained ANY charges and was still sitting at 0.

Fought normal champs untill he was ramped, made wolvie horseman, went to go ramp Apoc again and wanted to try him on a skill class drone next.

Same thing. Apoc didn’t gain a single charge for completing the fight, tried next against a mutant drone and Apoc ,for a third time, didn’t gain a single persistent charge.

The interesting thing is that Apoc still interacts with the mutant class drones as if they’re regular mutant champs (by placing both sets of debuffs on the drone with an SP2, regardless of how many charges he has). So he’s still interacting with mutant drones as if they’re regular mutant champs, but he won’t gain a single charge when fighting them, regardless of class.

Has this always been a thing and is this intended?

If the answer to both of those questions is YES, my next question would be. Why?


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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,606 ★★★★★

    GrizzleG said:

    I’m not sure if this has always been a thing, but we’re running map 5 right now. My team is Apoc, wolves, and kingpin. I usually take an early mutant fight, ramp Apoc up and horseman wolvie early on so that I can ramp Apoc again for rest of quest (I’m usually looking to take mutant fights for this reason).

    After joining AQ I saw a mutant class ultron drone was open so took that as my first fight. Entering the quest I noticed Apoc still had 0 persistent charges. I thought it was odd, cause it was a mutant class drone, but figured it might be a visual bug, so upon completion of the fight I was suprised to see that, not only was Apoc not fully ramped up, but he hadn’t gained ANY charges and was still sitting at 0.

    Fought normal champs untill he was ramped, made wolvie horseman, went to go ramp Apoc again and wanted to try him on a skill class drone next.

    Same thing. Apoc didn’t gain a single charge for completing the fight, tried next against a mutant drone and Apoc ,for a third time, didn’t gain a single persistent charge.

    The interesting thing is that Apoc still interacts with the mutant class drones as if they’re regular mutant champs (by placing both sets of debuffs on the drone with an SP2, regardless of how many charges he has). So he’s still interacting with mutant drones as if they’re regular mutant champs, but he won’t gain a single charge when fighting them, regardless of class.

    Has this always been a thing and is this intended?

    If the answer to both of those questions is YES, my next question would be. Why?

    Bruh you wrote so much without reading his abilities. He can't gain charges against robots
    You know 9/10 forum users can't read
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    TyEdgeTyEdge Posts: 2,994 ★★★★★
    Ackbar67 said:

    GrizzleG said:

    I’m not sure if this has always been a thing, but we’re running map 5 right now. My team is Apoc, wolves, and kingpin. I usually take an early mutant fight, ramp Apoc up and horseman wolvie early on so that I can ramp Apoc again for rest of quest (I’m usually looking to take mutant fights for this reason).

    After joining AQ I saw a mutant class ultron drone was open so took that as my first fight. Entering the quest I noticed Apoc still had 0 persistent charges. I thought it was odd, cause it was a mutant class drone, but figured it might be a visual bug, so upon completion of the fight I was suprised to see that, not only was Apoc not fully ramped up, but he hadn’t gained ANY charges and was still sitting at 0.

    Fought normal champs untill he was ramped, made wolvie horseman, went to go ramp Apoc again and wanted to try him on a skill class drone next.

    Same thing. Apoc didn’t gain a single charge for completing the fight, tried next against a mutant drone and Apoc ,for a third time, didn’t gain a single persistent charge.

    The interesting thing is that Apoc still interacts with the mutant class drones as if they’re regular mutant champs (by placing both sets of debuffs on the drone with an SP2, regardless of how many charges he has). So he’s still interacting with mutant drones as if they’re regular mutant champs, but he won’t gain a single charge when fighting them, regardless of class.

    Has this always been a thing and is this intended?

    If the answer to both of those questions is YES, my next question would be. Why?

    Bruh you wrote so much without reading his abilities. He can't gain charges against robots
    To be fair, his abilities actually don't say that.

    "Knocking out a non-robot opponent grants 1 genetic code" obviously specifies robots, but

    "Gain 2 genetic code at the start of the fight when fighting a mutant" has no qualifications, and it reads like mutant robots should still grant those 2 charges. Mutant robots are only encountered in aq, so it's a pretty unusual thing to encounter, but the behavior does not match the descriptive
    You’re absolutely correct. The way his description is written, you should receive the two to start the fight.
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Make that 10/10 @ahmynuts and include yourself
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Unless you need to go read the spotlight of every champ before playing them, OP's question is valid
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Make that 10/10 @ahmynuts and include yourself

    I never said i was the 1 lmao
    Usually you are though 😉
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,606 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Make that 10/10 @ahmynuts and include yourself

    I never said i was the 1 lmao
    Usually you are though 😉

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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    This is the only place where it is documented
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