What is community say on new store UI!!!

As new UI is live for store section . As per me I like the old one. But in new UI it is kinda confusing because unit store is mixed up with Normal store.
Also it is taking too time to search where you want purchase like loyalty, glory store because of so many options. I know there is a lot of effort is been done by kabam for this change to make use experience better. I would really appreciate it, but it is not doing as intended.
I prefer old one..guys plz share your inputs too. Bcoz community should decide what they prefer in this game. UI should be as per community experience.
Cc @Kabam Miike

Also it is taking too time to search where you want purchase like loyalty, glory store because of so many options. I know there is a lot of effort is been done by kabam for this change to make use experience better. I would really appreciate it, but it is not doing as intended.
I prefer old one..guys plz share your inputs too. Bcoz community should decide what they prefer in this game. UI should be as per community experience.
Cc @Kabam Miike

It’s obvious why they did this.
I know some of the summoners like the new store. But atleast give us a option see which ever store we want see. If anyone want to see new store they can choose from the settings. You can add some button on this s screen to choose the store UI
Please do something on it.
That said... Too much scrolling. Don't like the combined alliance one with glory and loyalty. I the end, they'll do what they want to do, and don't care what we all think. I'm of the belief that developers are like engineers and think things are cool, but don't really use the product/service so don't fully get what might be cool/good theoretically doesn't carry over to real world use.
Now it leaves less room for the items shown than before.
Also Inventory is horizontal and keeping some consistency would be good.
And last but not least, I was used to the horizontal UI 🙂