Display of 5 or 6 Champions in Summoner Profile for Prestige Calculation

While Switching the Alliance, the Officers of other alliances ask their favorite Question What's your prestige?
So my discussion is..
If kabam puts 6 Champions in the Summoner profile, it will help the officer when someone put the request to his alliance.
If the Officer likes his profile he can calculate his Prestige rather than asking him on a long awaiting chats to send his champion Details/ Prestige .The officer can calculate the requestor prestige out of 6 which will be 90% useful.
Or in short Kabam Can Put the automatic calculated Summoner Prestige in their respective profiles.
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So my discussion is..
If kabam puts 6 Champions in the Summoner profile, it will help the officer when someone put the request to his alliance.
If the Officer likes his profile he can calculate his Prestige rather than asking him on a long awaiting chats to send his champion Details/ Prestige .The officer can calculate the requestor prestige out of 6 which will be 90% useful.
Or in short Kabam Can Put the automatic calculated Summoner Prestige in their respective profiles.
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Just add 2 more rows to the profile and then entire Alliance can profile and assemble the Absolute Best War Defence Strategy!!!
IE: My Hulk, Fred's Rhino, Ted's Abomination, Jed's Red Hulk and Ned's Venom!
None of which might be in the Top 6 overall!
Just thinking out loud.
Prestige is listed on your profile automatically when you add your champs.
You can also store your champs pictures in your album so prospective alliances can see who you have for war/ AQ
This is a much better alternative.
Plus OP, top 4 champs or even top 6 champs in a profile are not always a factor in a player's prestige. Remember the rating you see of champs in profiles is affected by mastery setup.
Yes i shared same view but with more champs in the profile you will come to know how good champs he have in top 6.
CLANHQ is good but we have to add our champs like someother prestige calculator.
I am thinking to make Contest of Champion more resourceful.
Good One but it will evenly help our opponent in the war too...
So the Conclusion is
Kabam can show prestige in the Summoner profile and adding more champs will help opponent more in AW.
I won't mind if @Kabam Miike can add more to this
I would really, REALLY appreciate if Kabam added some additional coding to show our true prestige on our profile. Most alliances ask for it anyway, and it is troublesome to have to calculate our own prestige just cuz the game doesn't.