Help with Ultron 5.4.6

DioxisDioxis Member Posts: 2
Hi, I’m doing 5.4.6 and it’s all fine until the ultron boss. My current team is 5 star sunspot, cap marvel movie, cap iw, stealth spidey and 6 star archangel. I was hoping someone could explain how the ultron boss works a bit more and help me beat him?


  • flapjaxflapjax Member Posts: 285 ★★★

    Do you have Wiccan?

    Otherwise Mags is great, I used a max 3 star for that fight lol.
  • DioxisDioxis Member Posts: 2
    I don’t have Wiccan but I think I have a 4 star mags. Just the original?
  • MoogieMoogie Member Posts: 79
    Dioxis said:

    Hi, I’m doing 5.4.6 and it’s all fine until the ultron boss. My current team is 5 star sunspot, cap marvel movie, cap iw, stealth spidey and 6 star archangel. I was hoping someone could explain how the ultron boss works a bit more and help me beat him?

    avoid hittin him during power gain and generally just dex sp1 or try to tank it i used hulkling so i had a huge advantage because of the piercing and posion immune

  • flapjaxflapjax Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    Dioxis said:

    I don’t have Wiccan but I think I have a 4 star mags. Just the original?

    Yeah the Reg Mags. 4 star should be fine just rank him up to make it easier.
  • MasquiradeMasquirade Member Posts: 282 ★★
    edited November 2023
    Hey dude. The Red Magneto stops Ultron doing certain things like healing due to Magneto's interaction with Metal champions - but, Magneto has a really different way of fighting when compared to your normal quest fights. If you're going to use Magneto, check a YouTube guide for that fight and practice getting Magneto's Prowess passives up for a big level 3. If you can get it down it's a very effective and easy way of handling the fight.

    Regarding the problem node, if you look under Ultron's health bar there's a grey circle which cycles through Power Gain, Regen, Armour up and Fury symbols, showing you what effect will trigger if you Debuff him. Best tip I can give you is to avoid Parrying Ultron at the start of the fight - jump backwards, check the symbol, and avoid Parrying or generally debuffing him if the circle shows Regen/Power gain. if you give him an armour up or fury buff, it's not the end of the world at all really. Try fighting without relying on Parry, and being slower with your combo's because he has a small chance to evade any attack, so give yourself a chance to jump back if he does.

    Hope this helps 👍
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 560 ★★★
    Any duped Loki will do. Get to an sp3 and the fight's over after that. Just parry and heavy to keep the buff steal up and you're golden.
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