Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Need Plat 3-4 Ally


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    QueenMcocQueenMcoc Posts: 1,116 ★★★
    Good roaster
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    DeadpoisdeadDeadpoisdead Posts: 111
    Nice roster tho
    But I don't think you are eligible for plat alliance right now. The competition is tough and each death counts for the whole alliance. I would recommend you to join Gold 1 alliance. No hard feelings bro.... Ok 😁
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    Well last time when I was in plat 2 and we were almost plat 1 so we got plat 1 opponents. Never gave a death in that season not even once so I guess I should be eligible
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    Yes bro I didn't give any death against those ally and btw I only did path I did not fight in boss island or those small islands
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    MordMord Posts: 121 ★★
    Well you need both high attack and defense. I normally adjust defense in my BG (plat2-3) and no disrespect, but I'd cry if I have to fit you in.

    Also the attack plan would be more difficult for the officers due to lack of offensive options: you would likely need to be placed as backup taking few fights, meaning more work/resources for other team members.

    Good luck finding a stable plat Ally though :). Right now I think you need to work more on your roster.
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    ZADO1991ZADO1991 Posts: 109
    Don't bother just find active gold 1
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