Hello Kabam , The BG has multiple glitches . 1) From all the matches I have played this season I have concluded one thing that is I am the one who picks the defender 1st which gives me disadvantage. Never this season have I picked the defender 2nd on the 1st round . 2) I am getting opponents who are very strong than me ( their last guy rating is more than my 1st - 2nd guy in rooster ) . It is not fun to play when the enemies without even taking you seriously can defeat you very badly . 3) In champion selection , I always get the bottom champs of my rooster even after using shuffle signet . 4) There are moments which just makes me feel like opponent was cheating becoz I don't think can someone with an archangel 6*r3 defeat kingpin 6*r4 in just less than 20 seconds .