Hello Kabam , The BG has multiple glitches . 1) From all the matches I have played this season I have concluded one thing that is I am the one who picks the defender 1st which gives me disadvantage. Never this season have I picked the defender 2nd on the 1st round . 2) I am getting opponents who are very strong than me ( their last guy rating is more than my 1st - 2nd guy in rooster ) . It is not fun to play when the enemies without even taking you seriously can defeat you very badly . 3) In champion selection , I always get the bottom champs of my rooster even after using shuffle signet . 4) There are moments which just makes me feel like opponent was cheating becoz I don't think can someone with an archangel 6*r3 defeat kingpin 6*r4 in just less than 20 seconds .


  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    1. There are multiple threads already about picking order. Kabam is silent on this issue, but the player base is divided.
    2. Are in in Plat II or above and are you paragon yet? Before Plat II smaller accounts get easier matches which changes to more open matchmaking when you get to Plat II. It might not be what you want to hear, but if matchmaking is why you can't win anymore, it means you need to grow your account before you can expect to get to GC.
    3. Sometimes drafting is just against you; sometimes it's not. You have to play with what you've got
    4. Unfortunately there are many modders in BG, but Kabam is getting better at detecting them. However, there are also many skilled players and sometimes people get lucky.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Ive noticed since I've started taking notice anyway, that I've not once been second pick, that being said, I hit GC and basically gave up anyway. It's not a fun mode for me.
  • Savage_Sniper_8Savage_Sniper_8 Member Posts: 38
    I just got defeated just cause the enemy with 7* r1 dragon man defeated my 6* r4 attuma in less than 20 seconds and I call that **** no matter what
  • Savage_Sniper_8Savage_Sniper_8 Member Posts: 38
    Kabam is the cursed blade tip going to come again in some other event then it's ok otherwise put me in glad circuit . See my career and you will need all proof you want
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,608 ★★★★★
    Handholding matchmaking stops at platinum-2 so you must have good ranked up heroes to stand a chance at winning, which is totally okay.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★

    Kabam is the cursed blade tip going to come again in some other event then it's ok otherwise put me in glad circuit . See my career and you will need all proof you want

    Hate to break it to you, but if you can't get to GC, I doubt you will be able to get the other pieces. One will be in Necropolis completion, and another in a Challenge
  • Savage_Sniper_8Savage_Sniper_8 Member Posts: 38
    If so then explain how can someone defeat 6* r4 attuma in less than 20 seconds using 7* r1 dragon man ??
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Stop attacking people who are trying to help you and be civil, it’s not that hard
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