Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for banquet event players.

I have 3 accounts and will be looking at 40k points on each.
Looking for players who will be spending similar amount and get good 'Alliance/team' rewards as a result.

My ign is hardclaw82
Alliance is The Claws (HC82)


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    Krishna24Krishna24 Posts: 380 ★★★
    40k points means how many units to spend?
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    DeadpoisdeadDeadpoisdead Posts: 111
    I have 10k units right in my hand and can earn 5k units more through arena by the time banquet start 🤑✅
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    krishna, 40k points would roughly translate to 3.5 to 4k units.
    i will be spending this much on each of my 3 accounts.

    Since we cannot gift anymore, im looking for players who would also spend.
    Remember, there are 2 categories of rewards, solo and team.

    Its the team rewards im targeting.

    Deadpo, you are welcome to join. I will be spending abt 10-12k units..but across my 3 accounts.
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    Pekka4900Pekka4900 Posts: 25
    Same mate
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    Pekka4900Pekka4900 Posts: 25
    Even i have 8k units....need an alliance
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    pekka, welcome to join. my in game name hardclaw82.
    find me using search. then send request.
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    Hey I have 4.3k unit currently but will get to 5k before banquet and I am uncollected player created account before 19 November and lvl39 soon reach 40 but i have only rating 70k if u don't mind.
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    This is my id
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    Looking for players who are going to spend 3.5 to 4k units in banquet event. I have 3 accounts and will be doing 4k on each.
    In game name hardclaw82
    Find me using the search button in game on the left side.
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    If you are willing to spend 3.5k plus units for banquet, why not spend it with us in our alliance and instead of just solo rewards get good team and rank rewards too? No aq/aw minimums, no requirement of any kind. Just join, spend, get rewards and then upto you whether wanna stay or go.
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    I currently have 14k units, and planning to spend between 10k and 15k units on banquet. I'll be semi-casual at the game for holidays so not gonna be doing AW/AQ so this seems perfect for me.
    Just sent a request to your ally. My in-game name is the same.
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    Very welcome Fiery Oasis. Glad to have one more spending player.
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    Pro2004_Pro2004_ Posts: 15
    Dude, i also want to join your alliance.. i will spend around 5k.. I hv sent you a friend request.. please accept it.. in need of a good spending alliance for banquet
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    Pro2004_Pro2004_ Posts: 15
    @Hardclaw82 my in game name is Pro2004!!. You can hit me up if my friend request did not go through
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    Ben5757Ben5757 Posts: 20
    how many players do you have in your alliance?
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    TurguzTurguz Posts: 42
    edited December 2023
    do u still need more players?

    3 accounts here, around 4-5k units each.

    *Already sent requests.
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    Hi. Can i join? My ign is JuanGamer89 and i got about 3k+ units to spend and can get alot more through exploration of ACT 5 and other content havent finished. Also willing to spend some money to get more units aswell. I sent a request and my top champ is Herc so thats my PFP. Id like to join your alliance since i cant ever find one.
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    Hardclaw82Hardclaw82 Posts: 86
    We are currently full. Went from 8 to 30 in like 2 days. I have not been part of any recruiting. Its all being done/managed by lionsky (same name in game).

    Sorry to the fellows who couldn't join in time.
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    Since the alliance the full.... We have a alliance too.. Minimum requirement is 4k unit spend.. Currently we only have 2 players but looks like many people are searching... So I guess we will be filled soon
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    @Turguz @shinobifromval what's ur line or discord I'd?
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    @Pro2004_ what's ur line I'd?
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    Is this still available because I’m willing to spend money to get the points needed
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    TurguzTurguz Posts: 42

    @Turguz @shinobifromval what's ur line or discord I'd?

    Just add Turguz in game.
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    I’d love to join your alliance. I’ve got 11k units ready and more on the way. Please let me know if you’ve still got the space! In game name is ZeroGolden :)
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