Looking for banquet event players.

I have 3 accounts and will be looking at 40k points on each.
Looking for players who will be spending similar amount and get good 'Alliance/team' rewards as a result.
My ign is hardclaw82
Alliance is The Claws (HC82)
I have 3 accounts and will be looking at 40k points on each.
Looking for players who will be spending similar amount and get good 'Alliance/team' rewards as a result.
My ign is hardclaw82
Alliance is The Claws (HC82)
i will be spending this much on each of my 3 accounts.
Since we cannot gift anymore, im looking for players who would also spend.
Remember, there are 2 categories of rewards, solo and team.
Its the team rewards im targeting.
Deadpo, you are welcome to join. I will be spending abt 10-12k units..but across my 3 accounts.
find me using search. then send request.
This is my id
In game name hardclaw82
Find me using the search button in game on the left side.
Just sent a request to your ally. My in-game name is the same.
3 accounts here, around 4-5k units each.
*Already sent requests.
Sorry to the fellows who couldn't join in time.
Just add Turguz in game.