AQ map 6 outscoring map 7?

So my alliance typically runs 3 map 6s daily and primarily just focuses on conquering daily (So not always exploring). Anyway this week my BG decided to try Map 7 out in the same type manor, boss rush then explore. We ran a 6 on the first day then swithed to 7 the last 3, all BGs cleared daily, exploration %s were alittle spread out but relatively similar however scoring went as follows (BG1 did the 7s, listed as BG1/2/3)
Day 1- 21.8mill/16.2mill/14mill (3 map 6s)
Day 2- 22.8mill/19.5mill/15.1mill (7/6/6)
Day 3- 16.8mill/20.4mill/18.4mill (7/6/6)
Day 4- 13.3mill/28.4mill/23.4mill (7/6/6)
Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a bug with the new AQ set up? I know we aren't exploring but that scoring seems very off to me. What's the insentive to do a higher map when you can score better on a lower and not burn resources due to path nodes being much harder.
Day 1- 21.8mill/16.2mill/14mill (3 map 6s)
Day 2- 22.8mill/19.5mill/15.1mill (7/6/6)
Day 3- 16.8mill/20.4mill/18.4mill (7/6/6)
Day 4- 13.3mill/28.4mill/23.4mill (7/6/6)
Has this happened to anyone else? Is this a bug with the new AQ set up? I know we aren't exploring but that scoring seems very off to me. What's the insentive to do a higher map when you can score better on a lower and not burn resources due to path nodes being much harder.