OG Hulk Buff

Hey Everyone, been playing the game for 6 years and always wanted to try my hand at a potential buff. OG Hulk is one of my favorite champs to play with to this day but he could use some tuning. If Kabam took this idea I had and used it, I'd love to have a hand with the design philosophy and talk about how to improve him. I'd love some feedback because I have more in the pipeline but there is always room for improvement, I hope someone from the Team sees this, enjoy!
Sig Ability- Hulk Smash!!
Hulk is battle-worn and angry, his base health increases 3000-7500 depending on his signature level
When Hulk Angry is triggered, all of the Hulk’s attacks regenerate 1% per hit up to 50% for the duration of Hulk Angry.
When attacking or being attacked:
55% chance to gain a Fury buff for 7 seconds increasing attack by 1500. If more than 3 furies are nullified in a fight, Hulk becomes enraged and all future furies are passive. Max stacks 5
Each Fury passively increases Hulk’s physical resistance by 500
Basic Attack:
Hulk with all his rage and immense durability has a 45% chance apply a Fatigue on medium basic attacks that lower critical attack rate by -130 per stack, and Weakness on all light attacks lowering the opponent’s attack by 5% per stack.
Hulk Angry:
When Hulk’s health drops below 25%, Hulk becomes angry, which triggers a buff lasting for 10 seconds, making Hulk unstoppable and unblockable for 5 seconds, also increasing his attack by 1500 for the duration of Hulk Angry.
75% resistance to Bleeds, 90% chance to shrug off bleeds and gain a Puny Cut buff raising attack by +750
Immune to all Poisons of the Battlerealm
Special Attacks:
85% chance to apply a stun lasting 2 seconds with all special attacks, stun duration is increased by .5 seconds for each fury on the champion.
If activated while Hulk Angry, all hits are critical.
Special Attack 1:
Hulk slams his hand into the ground, pulling it up as a quake striking the opponent then leaping forward with a punch.
Special Attack 2:
Hulk lets out an intimidating roar, stunning the opponent, and following up with a close-quarters Thunderclap.
If Hulk has 3+ furies, a passive precision buff increasing crit damage by 750 is applied at the beginning of the special attack.
Special Attack 3:
Hulk pummels the opponent.
All buffs and debuffs are refreshed. If Hulk has more than 75 hits on his combo meter then he starts the next fight with a Hulk Angry buff, if Hulk has more than 100 hits on his combo meter the effects of Hulk Angry are extended by 3 seconds at the start of the next fight too.
I Professor: Captain America Infinity War, Ant-Man, Iron Man Infinity War, Hawkeye
Hulk- Chance to apply debuffs increased to 70%
CAIW- Debuff potency increased by 50%
Ant-Man- Chance to apply debuff increased to 75%, for each debuff increase attack rating by +500.
IMIW- Each debuff increase attack rating by +500
Hawkeye- Debuffs applied last 50% longer and Hemorrhage has a 25% to retrigger.
5-Star Health Attack Prestige
★★★★★ 28450 2600 10450
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Block Proficiency
Energy Resist
Physical Resist
Crit Resistance
Sig Ability- Hulk Smash!!
Hulk is battle-worn and angry, his base health increases 3000-7500 depending on his signature level
When Hulk Angry is triggered, all of the Hulk’s attacks regenerate 1% per hit up to 50% for the duration of Hulk Angry.
When attacking or being attacked:
55% chance to gain a Fury buff for 7 seconds increasing attack by 1500. If more than 3 furies are nullified in a fight, Hulk becomes enraged and all future furies are passive. Max stacks 5
Each Fury passively increases Hulk’s physical resistance by 500
Basic Attack:
Hulk with all his rage and immense durability has a 45% chance apply a Fatigue on medium basic attacks that lower critical attack rate by -130 per stack, and Weakness on all light attacks lowering the opponent’s attack by 5% per stack.
Hulk Angry:
When Hulk’s health drops below 25%, Hulk becomes angry, which triggers a buff lasting for 10 seconds, making Hulk unstoppable and unblockable for 5 seconds, also increasing his attack by 1500 for the duration of Hulk Angry.
75% resistance to Bleeds, 90% chance to shrug off bleeds and gain a Puny Cut buff raising attack by +750
Immune to all Poisons of the Battlerealm
Special Attacks:
85% chance to apply a stun lasting 2 seconds with all special attacks, stun duration is increased by .5 seconds for each fury on the champion.
If activated while Hulk Angry, all hits are critical.
Special Attack 1:
Hulk slams his hand into the ground, pulling it up as a quake striking the opponent then leaping forward with a punch.
Special Attack 2:
Hulk lets out an intimidating roar, stunning the opponent, and following up with a close-quarters Thunderclap.
If Hulk has 3+ furies, a passive precision buff increasing crit damage by 750 is applied at the beginning of the special attack.
Special Attack 3:
Hulk pummels the opponent.
All buffs and debuffs are refreshed. If Hulk has more than 75 hits on his combo meter then he starts the next fight with a Hulk Angry buff, if Hulk has more than 100 hits on his combo meter the effects of Hulk Angry are extended by 3 seconds at the start of the next fight too.
I Professor: Captain America Infinity War, Ant-Man, Iron Man Infinity War, Hawkeye
Hulk- Chance to apply debuffs increased to 70%
CAIW- Debuff potency increased by 50%
Ant-Man- Chance to apply debuff increased to 75%, for each debuff increase attack rating by +500.
IMIW- Each debuff increase attack rating by +500
Hawkeye- Debuffs applied last 50% longer and Hemorrhage has a 25% to retrigger.
5-Star Health Attack Prestige
★★★★★ 28450 2600 10450
Crit Rate
Crit Damage
Block Proficiency
Energy Resist
Physical Resist
Crit Resistance
Post edited by Kabam Valiant on
My thoughts:
- I like the passive furies idea. However, in endgame content, the attack values are quite high and 3 nullified buffs can deal quite some damage. So, maybe something like he takes -100% damage from nullify abilities or something?
- Make Hulk Angry permanent after going below 25% health
-Special 1 shruggs off all bleed debuffs from himself
- Special 2 stuns the opponent for 3 seconds and deals true damage ignoring all armor, resistance, etc.
Having him heal permanently below 25% would break the game. Giving the player an opportunity to regen is what I was going for and something I think Kabam already might be hesitant on but also seems like a reason why Hulk could last in a fight.
I also like the idea of adding true damage for the special 2 but I think it should only be when Hulk Angry is active. The fury that he would constantly have would make him strong enough, more damage feels like cheating.
I think Hulk should be a brawl. It’s a fight where DOT and specials aren’t really used against him, and with all of the potential furies he gains, if you slip up, you’re basically dead.
On the flip side, when you are playing as him, you should feel like you are a force of nature as he is in the comics. Your opponent should be taken down with ease as long as you bring skill to the table. I think it’s only fair to keep Hulk close to comic book accuracy. Not a lot of people can take him down and even with this simple kit of basically more attack and take less damage, overtime he still does less damage than Hyperion and Nick Fury so he’s not “OP” but definitely would feel powerful to play as because his ramp up is so quick and stays there as long as you’re aggressive.
At one point, I was thinking of adding a mechanics where overtime Specials deal less damage against him, except Special 3 so that you are less inclined to use them and just focus on your skills as a player when fighting him. I also was thinking of adding a new type of mechanic where he stores “block charges” meaning when he strikes a block, let’s say after 10 hits, that strike stuns you for 10 seconds through your block. This would encourage intercept gameplay and taking more risks.
I feel like this Hulk could be a fun challenge.