[BA618] Brothers in Arms - Recruiting for our alliance Banquet and beyond

Recruiting for our alliance. Family ran alliance, I have 3 accounts in there of my own plus 4 of my brothers also have accounts.

We run map 4 aq (maybe 5 eventually if we get enough active members)
2 BG AW, our participation by non household members is pretty lackluster unforunately
Have very strong plans for the banquet event- currently have about 60k units between my account and my 2 alts. Siblings also will be completing most of the milestones.

Feel free to reach out to ubersoul in game if you have more information


  • UbersoulUbersoul Member Posts: 53
    Not sure how to edit on here, but don't have any expectations of people to burn x amount of units. Just ask that you try and be active and help with alliance activities!
  • UbersoulUbersoul Member Posts: 53
    UP :)
  • UbersoulUbersoul Member Posts: 53
  • IamJINIamJIN Member Posts: 4
    I wanna join u guys u seem like a really good alliance... I have sent request by ign IamJIN
  • oldplayer_taoldplayer_ta Member Posts: 10
    Is this alliance still open to people joining?
  • UbersoulUbersoul Member Posts: 53
    Still recruiting have some new openings. A little participation and don’t be offline for more than 2 days
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