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Hulkbuster randomly missing 1st hit of special attack

Viper_nsViper_ns Posts: 2
edited December 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I’ve been using hulkbuster in war, and randomly he misses his 1st hit of special attack 2.
No apparent reason. Here some extracts for
- photon on node 46
- kitty on node 38

It works most of the time, but when it doesn’t it costs death, as this is usually done when oponent has lots of power.

Any explanation to this ? Is this a bug ?


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    Blue_007Blue_007 Posts: 43
    Working as intended
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    Can you develop ?
    This has worked with the same timing and spacing. I cannot send videos, only pictures
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    ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Posts: 4,188 ★★★★★
    Not sure if this is related or not since it's a different champ but I've been having the same issue with Hyperion's sp1, the special animations are a little similar (punch, energy beam). If you throw it while they're throwing a M attack the first hit just misses which gives them enough time to hold block during the rest of the special. Obviously not the same champ but special animation and timing are similar so I think something must be wrong with the animations themselves.
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    Perfect_jabPerfect_jab Posts: 78
    Ive noticed issues with HB too. Backing defender into corner an special into their block misses. How about that AI recovery now too, use to be able to spam heavy attacks in corner an now the defender jumps up an evades it. Or they just miss. Whiffing attacks when you right in front of them is really annoying.
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    Crimson8399Crimson8399 Posts: 761 ★★★
    Hercs been whiffing some SP2 hits lately as well
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