For those using Kushala in current BG meta, is she busted?

kahlkorverkahlkorver Member Posts: 162
I'm thinking of getting her in 5 star featured crystal if she's busted like Wolf or Tigra. Does her SP1 incinerates and SP2 soul barb scale high with power shield?


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    She is surely great. One sp1 is usually enough on my end, the incinerate's do get greatly boosted by the node
  • DudeMaGudeDudeMaGude Member Posts: 109
    Hard to say, people ban mine every match 🥺
  • kahlkorverkahlkorver Member Posts: 162

    She is surely great. One sp1 is usually enough on my end, the incinerate's do get greatly boosted by the node

    Awesome. What rank is yours? Mine will be maxed and ascended 5☆ so basically a r3 6☆. Will that be enough for SP1 nuke or maybe two?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    She is surely great. One sp1 is usually enough on my end, the incinerate's do get greatly boosted by the node

    Awesome. What rank is yours? Mine will be maxed and ascended 5☆ so basically a r3 6☆. Will that be enough for SP1 nuke or maybe two?
    Mine is 7-star rank 3 ... no levels yet though, so pretty much r2 equivalent. You will more specials but it also deppends on the heatlh pool's you're dealing at your level
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