Deathless champions guessing thread

So, with King Groot revealed and the picture including silhouettes of the other champs, what are the best guesses for the remaining champs?
I‘m saying Thanos, Hyperion and Spider-Man…
Guillotine and King Groot have both been buffed in the past, so maybe the trend is to release the pre-buff versions as deathless? As in, „We may have been replaced by buffed versions, but we didn‘t die!“ ???
Then OG Spider-Man would make sense, but Hyperion is out, right? So who‘s the jacked guy in the middle?

I‘m saying Thanos, Hyperion and Spider-Man…
Guillotine and King Groot have both been buffed in the past, so maybe the trend is to release the pre-buff versions as deathless? As in, „We may have been replaced by buffed versions, but we didn‘t die!“ ???
Then OG Spider-Man would make sense, but Hyperion is out, right? So who‘s the jacked guy in the middle?

In this thread, King Groot and Hulk were being discussed, so now I am pretty sure that the jacked dude in the back is Hulk... He, too, was buffed, so deathless hulk may be the pre-buff version (or even pre-pre-buff, since he was buffed twice)...
The silhouette "kinda" fits Hulk, so maybe they slightly adjusted the silhouettes, which would make Jax' comment "kinda" right...
I'm still on the fence about the small champ behind Guillotine... Spidey would make sense from the "pre-buff" perspective, and the silhouette also "kinda" fits, because Spidey doesn't have ears like that, does he?
For now, my money is on Hulk and Spidey…
I find Spider-Man unlikely if Hulk is the other one. We will have a mystic, cosmic, and science already, so the fourth will likely be from a class not yet represented.
I also don’t think the pre-buff thing we have seen with Guillotine will necessarily be a pattern. Guillotine had one of the most controversial reworks in the game, with many people (myself included) being upset with the removal of key parts of her original kit. The rework was seen as, at best, a lateral move. I can’t think of any other champion whose rework removed so much from their original kit that the player base was upset with. Some people were happy to see pre-rework Guillotine. Nobody is looking to see pre-buff KG or Hulk.
Off the wall theory with no basis for it: Deathless Daredevil (Hell’s Kitchen).