Side quest exploration

Krusher423Krusher423 Member Posts: 2
While I agree with some other posts the side quest is much better this month, I think the map layout could improved next time. Rather than having an ambush lane or bypass option straight through to the next opponent, why not make that choice a portal removing the incomplete tile. The portal could go straight to the opponent or over to an ambush island that would link up with the path after the gold reward, still giving summoners the options this current layout has, but only requiring each lane 1 run to fully complete. Seeing that one unexplored tile brings me back to those poor souls that missed a corner in LOL.
As someone that likes to 100% content, this month requires 16 runs per threat level to get all exploration awards. I would much rather my time be spent in BGs or some other content than running the side quest again. With that said, it’s an optional event so I appreciate all those that may suggest that those that don’t like it just don’t do it. I’m just providing some constructive criticism from my opinion and curious if this design triggered anyone else’s OCD 😆


  • Mrwarren96Mrwarren96 Member Posts: 456 ★★
    You do realise it's based on node covered not the paths, if you take the gold path thats counts as it being complete you don't need to go back in and go over that small line that doesn't get explored
  • Krusher423Krusher423 Member Posts: 2
    I did not! Thank you!
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