Which Cosmic to R2?

HeWhoRetainsHeWhoRetains Member Posts: 15
My cosmic roster highlights:
I have 2 unduped Cosmic 7r1 - Venom, and after today, Knull. (Equipped with 4*/5* venom relics)
My top 6* Cosmic (all r4+) - Herc, CGR and AdamWarlock. (Don't own galan or hulking)

My main priorities, in order, are:
1) Exploring 8.2 then 8.1. (8.3 is 100% done)
2) Finish 7/7 Carina challenges (I've only completed the first four)
3) Setup a defensive line for BGs and low level AW. (I've only really focused on offense until this point)

Mastery note: 1/5 despair and 5/5 deep wounds
Side note: NF(6r5) is my only high level evade counter

My question to the other Summoners:
Would R2'ing Venom or Knull be more beneficial to me at this point?
What gaps could they fill in my cosmic roster?



  • Ragnarok13Ragnarok13 Member Posts: 74
    I love venom. He can be tricky on defense, great attacker, and spideys can’t evade.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,824 ★★★★★
    I would go venom just because I hate fighting spiders. While knull can get around that with his mediums, I enjoy venom more for his shorter ramp up (since knull is unduped). Owner of a r3 unduped Venom
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,782 ★★★★★
    Venom is too powerful at r3, I'll r3 mine after necro exploration.
    He won't disappoint you.
  • EndgodEndgod Member Posts: 68
    Bro venom is nuts. I have started to use him over herc in some cases. I have him r3
  • HeWhoRetainsHeWhoRetains Member Posts: 15
    Geez. I did not think Venom would be getting all the love. I was for sure gonna R2 him, then I got Knull. I even got a 5* venom relic yesterday.

    How is he on defense in BG or AW?

    Has anyone tried him in act 8?
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,570 ★★★★★

    Geez. I did not think Venom would be getting all the love. I was for sure gonna R2 him, then I got Knull. I even got a 5* venom relic yesterday.

    How is he on defense in BG or AW?

    Has anyone tried him in act 8?

    On defense in BG he can be tricky to take down, he's a rank and if he hits you it's generally lights out if you're not bleed immune.

    I've had mine get a couple kills in AW (low tier, mind you) but not many. It's not like in bg's where they may not have a decent counter when they fight him.

    I've won almost every round I've ever used him for in bg's, on both offense and defence, though.

    As for how he is in act 8, if it bleeds it's gonna die fast.
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    Consider Knull usually need high sig at low rarity, I will be surprised if anyone recommend him over Venom. In the long run, Knull will be better but that could be years away depending on your pulls. I still hate reverse control fights myself…
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    I’m facing the same dilemma myself, but I’m leaning towards Knull, I know venom is good and I have been using him more lately but he’s still not my favorite. Knull might be slightly slower but I think he’s the better overall champ and definitely a better defender with the reverse controls and damage reduction from inequity.
  • HeWhoRetainsHeWhoRetains Member Posts: 15
    I'm not sure where my other comment went. Something about it needing to be approved. Odd.

    Anyway, went with Venom.

    With him, I've been crushing 7 for 7 Carina challenges.

    Some notes:
    - Power drain and burn immunity against tech is useful
    - Pesky spiders
    - Ranked up 5* Venom relic really helps
    - Max assassin masteries pairs beautifully with true accuracy and unlockable when bosses are below 18%.

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