Idea for Raids Reward Boxes
With all the complaints regarding Raids Rewards, I think a simple option that will make it seem much less painful would be make them a nexus selector, so you'd get three options. If I have plenty of t6cc and want 7* shards I then have an option and it will eliminate the "I put in all this work and look at the **** rng reward" feeling.
I get the selector option, though maybe they could specify that each spot in the selector gives a different resource. Eg. spot 1 gives a T6CC drop of between 25% and 125%, spot 2 gives a titan shard drop of between 2-20k, and spot 3 gives a metric tonne of gold/iso or 7* shards.
No hate to my allies cuz at least they were there to help me out, but they got ,2k titan shards. I need 1.5 to form another one.
Wish I got better pulls for the effort. At least I got ,4.5k 7* shards so I ain't far gone