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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Opinions on who to rank next

I just need some opinions on a good solid 6* champ to take to Rank 3 that either doesn’t need awakened, or if awakened, doesn’t need a lot of sig to make them good. I have a generic awakening gem if need be. I NEVER do war…. I do AQ, side quests, and I’m working on 7.4 right now to get paragon. I do some BG’s, but it’s hit or miss anyway on them, so I don’t need to rank ONE champ just for BG’s. Looking for a champ that can do “mid level” time fights ( not real short, but not like end game long ), that doesn’t take forever to ramp up…. Someone simple, yet effective for the above mentioned gameplay. Any opinions ? I’m gonna try to attach some pictures on this of my options. Not sure if I can. Also I’ll put my 7*’s at the end to rule those champs out.


  • Options
    AdiMCOCAdiMCOC Posts: 53
    Kitty Pryde
    Kate Bishop

    These should be your top priority at the moment according to my opinion
  • Options
    Kevin30705Kevin30705 Posts: 84
    AdiMCOC said:

    Kitty Pryde
    Kate Bishop

    These should be your top priority at the moment according to my opinion

    Thanks for the input AdiMCOC.
    I already have Guardian in 7* and I have a 5* Kitty Pride that is already awakened at Rank 5/65 and 181 sig on her…. I’m probably just going to ascend her instead of doing all that work to the 6* version of her.
    Of the ones you named, I like Wong, Kingpin & Kate Bishop, although I don’t know how to use them yet…. I truly appreciate your input man….
    I’m gonna look into those 3 and see what’s what…. I really did need some help narrowing down my choices…. That’s a lot of champs to choose from…. Again, thanks for your help.

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