Exit feedback..9 yrs and thousands $$$ spent.

CJLCJL Member Posts: 31
edited February 3 in Suggestions and Requests
Sounds like a rage quit but not really… more of a realization…

After fighting bugged life sponge Hulk Bahamet over a whole week while deciding to keep going or just exit the fight and give up on my loses. I was able to complete the gully challenge 8.2.6 after more than 10000 units and a 2000 unit potion pack (not exaggerating)
(Purchased units , not grinded units, during all Dec deals)
so about 12000 unit total costs for the bug and my sucking at the fight during phase 2 and 3 without messing up and dying to the incenerate before you can break the armor…but anyways… now I hear you will be able to just buy the piece for 5000 units . Kabammed again.. I’m sooo over this game .

This entire interaction (hulk) was not fun , lining up several things to do damage is not fun.. weapon nodes are not fun (8.3.6 spidey path). So I won’t be fighting 8.3.6 boss again either, he was not fun first time through with ideal champs. And all they (Kabam) do is continue to go down this same path when creating new content = not fun . These type fights are only ‘fun’ for a the very small amount the community that nerd out on doing several annoying things and getting them all to line up to do any significant amount of damage. I don’t understand why you (Kabam) thinks it’s enjoyable to the user to spend their time money and effort on collecting and ranking champs that will ultimately not do any significant damage to the opponent content you create.

In the end we all play games for fun , this game is not fun anymore these type interactions are not fun at all (doing no damage unless X Y Z and A B C , during this timer and while that thing-a-ma-bob is on cooldown etc…), except to a very small portion of the player base.

You continue to find more and more creative ways to make our champions worthless or much less effective so people have to spend their way through content no matter how much they have ALREADY invested in the champions and roster it self. LEARN that the value is letting players invest in their rosters and champs and them LETTING those champs and rosters be EFFECTIVE in completing content and earning more rewards to invest in their roster. Players should not have to invest in clearing content and playing… they should only need to INVEST in the tools (champs) to do so. Forcing players to invest in their rosters and further invedt when completing content just chokes everyone and takes any enjoyment away. nO JoY playing your game = no players

I’m sooo over it. After 9 years and thousands spent, I’m taking my time and my wallet and moving on to something I do find fun and that doesn’t throttle my enjoyment or progression through the choke hold you have on the player base right now. No gold, no iso, no rank materials , no damage by design .

Good luck to you all. Kabam, the CCP and the YouTube content creators will likely all be playing each other wondering where the money and the views per video went one day.

The current game environment and economy is so choked off it actually makes it more logical to leave the game until the resources needed are more available… odd that you create an economy that would have players want to leave and check back later to see where thing are at. Progress is so slow you can leave for the entire year of 2024 and won’t miss any roster progress at all.


  • Luke9523Luke9523 Member Posts: 946 ★★★
    Sounds like a rage quit, looks like a rage quit, smells like a rage quit...

  • CJLCJL Member Posts: 31
    Lol..Yea.. true story .. but yup I’m done. Thought about it for over a week afterwards to be sure.. sorry the FTP community is big here but it doesn’t pay the bills look at Rambling Rich the man and Brain grant for example , sucking YouTube views and $$$ from the game Community on streams and videos about MCOC and don’t even spend on it.. says a lot when creators don’t even spend on it
  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 216
    I have to hard disagree on this one. I’m not especially skilled, but I didn’t have much issue with Bahamut. Yes, you need to do certain things to do damage, but they aren’t particularly hard in that fight. Is it challenging? Yup, but that’s the point. Part of what you’re describing sounds like a skill issue.

    The second issue seems to be related to preparation. I didn’t struggle with Bahamut because I watched a few videos to understand the fight. After I read the nodes and was a little unsure I got more info to avoid wasting resources. Once you get the mechanics the fight is very manageable.

    The third issue seems to be sunken cost fallacy. I agree there shouldn’t be a bugged path, and I think Kabam needs to do better when it’s apparent these things are happening. But why on earth would you keep plugging away once the bug was apparent?

    Repeating the same thing over and over that isn’t working (even if it’s due to a bug) is a pretty poor strategy. Would it have cost you 12k units if you had quit and chosen a non-bugged path? Continuing because you’ve already used so many resources just turns into a decision to throw those resources away, especially when you recognize the bug is stopping you from winning. The bug is Kabam’s fault, but turning that fight into a 12k unit dump is also on you.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,831 ★★★★★
    CJL said:

    Lol..Yea.. true story .. but yup I’m done. Thought about it for over a week afterwards to be sure.. sorry the FTP community is big here but it doesn’t pay the bills look at Rambling Rich the man and Brain grant for example , sucking YouTube views and $$$ from the game Community on streams and videos about MCOC and don’t even spend on it.. says a lot when creators don’t even spend on it

    Spending is a choice. It's not required. You made the choice to spend money but that doesn't mean everyone else has to. We don't know who you are either and you're quitting because you took a fight and continued that fight even though you saw it was bugged. There are 2 viable paths for that challenge and you could have just started over and did the other path.

    Glad you figured out that the games enjoyment is over for you but we honestly don't care.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    this might be to most deserved git gud moment. 12000 units for bahamet is wild it wasn't even that bad. I could do it with a 3* guilly for less revives :D . If you need to spend that much on that with 9 years of experience it's a you problem. 310 revives is crazy (250+60 from the unit pack)
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★
    I did it itemless with r3 og guilly even with the bug. Keep the sp2 heal reverse up and if you die restart the quest. G2099 cheese the last 5 percent.

    Sometimes it's best to watch a guide on it before spending 3 odins on a challenge
  • CJLCJL Member Posts: 31
    Understood. I watched many videos on how to play this challenge was just having trouble pulling it off. I completed necropolis and other content without this much trouble. No single fight was a a challenging as this was for some reason. I noticed the bug when I died between phase 1 and 2 and he reverted back to phase 1. I was about 2000 units in and all potions empty (4000 units invested) before I took a break and decided to stay or keep going and it was at the first phase change between phases 2 and 3 . He was about half dead or so at that point. Those with skill enough to Not get hit and take block damage or incenerate degen, will enjoy these type fights. When you get hit in this one you take incenerate damage that pretty much ends the attempt from the degen. It becomes a do all these things and don’t get hit at all scenario. The units costs was from 1 revive 40 units plus 3 health pots 33 units = 73 units per attempt for those that were counting… point being yes some folks enjoy these types fights.

    Yes some folks have enough skill to be able to watch all these things and not get hit. Im a casual guy with causal skill and a wallet , playing for fun . I don’t play high level war or high level AQ and not a BG fan.. I have played this game as a time kill for fun for a long time. I used to enjoy this game, I do realized I do not. Just leaving a note to Kabam on why on my way out.

    Thank you all for you input , although you the community are not the target audience. I understand that most forum folks with more than 10 or so posts are very passionate about the game , frequent these forums routinely and are probably in the small percentage of folks who enjoy this game the way it is, very high skill , free to play rewarding if you are among those skilled enough to do it with little or no resources and high niche interactions who enjoy the puzzle of tap tap swipe with exact precision and timing …Try the playing everything in the game without revive or potion farming. Most folks are just trying to have fun though . If you are someone that is having fun in this current game… well keep doing what you are doing because Kabam will likely keep doing what they are doing… just without my $$$.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    That sounds like a nightmare, just spending and spending to get through something that is bugged anyway.
  • o_oo_o Member Posts: 835 ★★★★
    CJL said:

    I have played this game as a time kill for fun for a long time. I used to enjoy this game, I realized I do not.

    This I can understand. If you’re not having fun, Godspeed ✌️
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,399 ★★★★★
    Something issue
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    CJL said:

    Understood. I watched many videos on how to play this challenge was just having trouble pulling it off. I completed necropolis and other content without this much trouble. No single fight was a a challenging as this was for some reason. I noticed the bug when I died between phase 1 and 2 and he reverted back to phase 1. I was about 2000 units in and all potions empty (4000 units invested) before I took a break and decided to stay or keep going and it was at the first phase change between phases 2 and 3 . He was about half dead or so at that point. Those with skill enough to Not get hit and take block damage or incenerate degen, will enjoy these type fights. When you get hit in this one you take incenerate damage that pretty much ends the attempt from the degen. It becomes a do all these things and don’t get hit at all scenario. The units costs was from 1 revive 40 units plus 3 health pots 33 units = 73 units per attempt for those that were counting… point being yes some folks enjoy these types fights.

    Yes some folks have enough skill to be able to watch all these things and not get hit. Im a casual guy with causal skill and a wallet , playing for fun . I don’t play high level war or high level AQ and not a BG fan.. I have played this game as a time kill for fun for a long time. I used to enjoy this game, I do realized I do not. Just leaving a note to Kabam on why on my way out.

    Thank you all for you input , although you the community are not the target audience. I understand that most forum folks with more than 10 or so posts are very passionate about the game , frequent these forums routinely and are probably in the small percentage of folks who enjoy this game the way it is, very high skill , free to play rewarding if you are among those skilled enough to do it with little or no resources and high niche interactions who enjoy the puzzle of tap tap swipe with exact precision and timing …Try the playing everything in the game without revive or potion farming. Most folks are just trying to have fun though . If you are someone that is having fun in this current game… well keep doing what you are doing because Kabam will likely keep doing what they are doing… just without my $$$.

    just wondering, how many units did necro completion take u, 180,000? I feel like some fights are harder/easier than others compared to Bahambet so maybe like 8k for titania and like 18k for air walker? Im just curious
  • HoadyOZHoadyOZ Member Posts: 248
    edited February 3
    @CJL I hope you come back, or just slow down! I don’t want to sound preachy, but I would generally advise anyone in this game to slow down and pace yourself. There is no endgame, so pressuring yourself to get that content finished or champ ranked up will bring you no closer to the End.
  • MarvelNoobMarvelNoob Member Posts: 1,191 ★★★★
    I'm stuck on the playing for 9 years but not enough skill to avoid taking a couple combos. Even taking 1 combo the r3 6 star survives and heals up to full quickly
  • EmomikeEmomike Member Posts: 229 ★★
    Just stop spending play the game at your own leisure. I stop spending about 2 month's ago. I'm in an alliance that doesn't ask much and now I'm enjoying the game a lot more.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 7,310 ★★★★★

    That sounds like a nightmare, just spending and spending to get through something that is bugged anyway.

    Yeah I agree with this one. I only spend on "fun" things like sales and stuff but not on revives and potions to get through content. That is the opposite of fun imo. I'll farm units and revives and stuff but not spending real money on those
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,417 ★★★★★
    Bro spent 10k units instead of just... switching off willpower? Lol
  • laserjohn26laserjohn26 Member Posts: 1,533 ★★★★★

    CJL said:

    Lol..Yea.. true story .. but yup I’m done. Thought about it for over a week afterwards to be sure.. sorry the FTP community is big here but it doesn’t pay the bills look at Rambling Rich the man and Brain grant for example , sucking YouTube views and $$$ from the game Community on streams and videos about MCOC and don’t even spend on it.. says a lot when creators don’t even spend on it

    Are you sure Richard is ftp? I feel like he would have mentioned it. Multiple times every single video. Including the month and year he started going ftp.

    Yep if he mentioned it once he must have mentioned it 10,000 times. But just can't recall him doing it.
    Ok so Richards newest video was suggested to me today so I decided to watch it and get to the bottom of it. At the 1 minute and 2 second mark he did say he was ftp and he has been ftp for 2 years. I stopped watching at that point but I can confirm that Richard is ftp. I'm sure I was lucky because surely that was the first time he has ever mentioned it.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,242 ★★★★
    edited February 4
    So you're telling me you spent...10000 Units in this challenge....nah screw that you deserve it,there was absolutely no rush to finish that objective, it's permanent as far as I remember but you decided to do it regardless instead of waiting for the fix, thats not kabams fault that's yours . YOU decided to go full oonga boonga mode on bahamet and threw units at him.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,381 ★★★★★

    Bro spent 10k units instead of just... switching off willpower? Lol

    I’m just taken aback by the thought behind this. Would’ve been cheaper to quit or turn off WP. I’m genuinely confused
  • OdachiOdachi Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★★
    I find it strange someone who has completed necropolis for one guilly piece would struggle getting this piece. Had you not fought him before or checked a single guide? (shoutout to mcoc noob)
  • CJLCJL Member Posts: 31
    As you read, Keep in mind I am not you. Because you do something or would have done something differently does not make the fight or the direction of this type of content any less challenging.

    Sorry but a few of you just assume you know what I did but do not or haven’t read the thread. Yes I watched several videos, yes I know How to fight him, yes I have fought him before with ideal champs that shrug or are incenerate immune. Yes I have completed Necropolis with Aegon and it took me 120 revives like most average players ,(one player took over 1400)

    I started the fight with WP on and using OG gully because in videos some were using that champ, but the key with her is keeping the spectre up with sp2 while doing everything else. I tried a few times but kept messing up and hulk would regen significantly without the spectre up which caused losing progress in a single attempt.

    I rewatched many many videos before deciding to go with g99 and using 1st and third pre fights to actually prevent g99 healing because it’s the only strategy for me that was actually making progress on his health bar which each attempt. But I only landed on that strategy after trying many others from videos that included using the spectre and regen against him, I just couldn’t pull it off.

    It was too many things to line up for ME, I didn’t have the skill . Quitting out with units, TIME and potions already invested would not have suddenly give me more skill later.

    My time is my most valuable resource. I stayed in this fight for over 7 days watching videos and trying different strategies a little each day. 30-45 minutes each day. That’s all I had time for that week. On the first day I knew I needed to take a break to think about how to move forward.

    Some attempts prolonged the fight because if the strategy failed or I missed a parry and got clipped or something else he would heal more health than damage dealt. I knew what I was doing and it was my choice. I can afford it.

    I know and agree with those comments that the unit spending was self inflicted because I did not have the skill to line up all these complex things to do it more efficiently like some other players.

    I also understand that this is MEANT to BE a more CHALLENGING task ( Corina gully) than just fighting the same boss with ideal champs. Which I do fine. Understood it’s intentionally hard.

    That is we’re I’m at in skill level I can do all normal content and Everest stuff just like every one else , I’m not perfect but with minimal to some use of resources.

    Necro was the only time I remember farming any significant amount of revives before going in, I haven’t farmed Health pots in ROL more than about 20 runs in 9 years , farming is just boring for me and I don’t have that kind of time, I would rather spend my time playing.

    I started this challenge with a 2000 unit potions deal and about 23500 units left from December unit deals. I don’t really farm either. I usually buy potions or potion deals if I need potions. I don’t have the grind time like FTP players ( by the way farming a bunch of free revives and potions before doing content makes you smart not higher skill so let’s all relax about folks skills)

    I chose to continue even though I didn’t have the skill to do all these things AND not get hit just to break his armor. The incenerate was hard to avoid for me because I couldn’t fight perfect.

    For those not familiar with the fight..the current AI doesn’t always cooperate with throwing specials and he often will back off right when the timer expires, throw in that heals above current phase threshold and reverts to previous phases of you die and it’s all the more challenging if you continue having to revive.

    You need to Get three charges by being close when timer expires if he backs off on his own or you miss the parry and he backs off he gets the other bad charges. If you use the same special twice in a row he will auto block. If he hits you without you blocking you take incenerate damage , if you are blocking you take block damage, if you regen from any source he will regen unless you keep spectre up.

    So here’s the list of some of what you need to do:
    get 3 charges, (twice to have a CHANCE to break armor )
    don’t get hit without block
    Don’t get hit with block
    = don’t get hit at all
    Don’t miss a parry
    Bait his special with AI that don’t throw specials
    Don’t use same special twice
    If you get the 3 charges then bait and special into beam or other phases task)
    If you do all that then you have removal charges and have to get 3 more charges for another CHANCE to break his armor if you can time the parry/heavy or parry then you only have a small window to do damage still without getting hit to do some damage and do it all over again

    If you die hulk gains persistent charges ( he had 10, whatever that does). By the way, it becomes very challenging to do all these things with just 40% health so you need to heal all the way to have a chance at a good attempt.

    So yes Will power was off, petrify and pacify were maxed. I didn’t use OG gully after a few attempts with her because she regen him too much if you can’t keep sp2 up. Gully 99 once she is not ramped will regen at 15% life so if you want to prevent procing a heal you have to use two pre fights , the 2nd one causes heal on Med attacks so if you choose that one it adds another task to the chore list ( don’t use M attacks unless you have spectre up) .

    Point being - nope not fun . It was not a fun interaction. Challenging yes. Fun no. Time consuming yes. Like I mentioned for ME , the casual player, spending player. I don’t have the time to commit to one fight for a week and the need to watch Multiple hours of how to videos to play a game that’s meant to trade joy/fun for my time and money.

    So yeah I realized I didn’t like it.

    With the FOMO they have created on the deathless champs and pieces and all that jazz and that they will clearly continue to use that and new FOMO tactics to force folks into content above their comfort level or above their roster effectiveness all the while increasing the tasks you need to do to do even do any amount of significant damage or ways they making your roster or champs less effective “roster nerfing” and the normal content will just be more of the same. All of My champs should always do some portion of significant damage and should in no circumstances take the amount of resources they did here to complete any fight. I’m just over

    The damage nerfing nodes ( your champ does little or no damage unless XYZ ) and the roster nerfing of my investments in my roster. They continue to kill my ROI and my joy so I’m done.

    Doing XYZ to do big damage fine. But XYZ, ABC and 123 . Lining up a couple things , ok cool , but 6 , 9 things? When does it become not fun for you ? Doing little or no damage at all if you can’t … is bull.

    Damage nerfing nodes and introducing 7 stars at the same time is like a double whammy. Scale the game … sure ..add new champs sure.. but don’t make my current roster useless by preventing damage unless I can have mad skill and concentration . Perfect no lagg connection,,cooperative AI , RNG and no bugs.

    If you enjoy continuing to invest your time and money while they keep dangling the carrot of a shining new thing while they move the goal posts , we’ll have fun . It’s just not for me.

    If the only way to create fun and challenging content is to have a player complete something that is already challenging by having them do it with far less than ideal champs and resources (no more FTP farming) … it’s not fun and challenging…it’s just challenging and that’s just about revenue at that point.

    Let’s Be real. How many of you ‘skilled’ players would have completed all that Everest content if you couldn’t farm?. My guess is not very many. Go see how much ‘FUN’ you have when you can’t farm or don’t farm before going in. Maybe You can come back in a couple years and complete with a 10 star if the game is still around , sounds fun 🤩

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