McoC - 1 Champion per week (Ep. 3)

peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,894 ★★★★★

Psycho Man
Voted by @Darkraw346 (thanks...Finally, Psicho Man made it!)

This series is a collab research that you can share into this topic, so, it's not my topic, but it's a community insight

Let's talk about this champ secrets, sinergies, best relics.

Aunt mai info

And let's vote for the next one
1 - Juggernaut🟣
2 - Kitty Pride🟡
3 - Nick Fury🔴

1 Class per week, so we wont repeat Cosmic, Science and Tech...

Suggestions to improve are welcome 😊
Please, share yours

Ps: You can vote any hero, but only the classes remaining.


  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,631 ★★★★★
    Yeah let's talk about all those!
    First off, im a huge Psycho man fan, but that goes without saying... why do I love this character so much? Hes mega cool and interesting, he looks cool, have cool powers and device, he can shrink and grow and he's from the Microverse aka Quantom realm! Do Psycho man have any secrets in him? After you dupe him, while the opponent is power locked u gain power if they fail to, and its passive, so it reminds me of Mystic dispersion and I like to call it Psycho dispersion, Psycho man actually counters variation of champions, beacuse his condition to counter isn't class based-its not like... if you have Prowess/regan, Nimrod will counter you, or... if you have Debuffs-Zemo will counter you. Cuz in Psycho man's case-if you have essentially anything, Psycho man will counter you. Of course its mostly characters who trigger things in their heavy attack or if hit while doing a heavy attack. But you will be surprised what a wide spectrum of characters that include, speaking of Spectrum...
    Photon-on hit she gains a something magnetic charge, right? Psycho man can take advantage of that, hit her while she's doing a heavy twice, and get her heal blocked and power locked, or how I like to call that combination-Psycho locked.
    So in my book Psycho man counters those who can be Psycho locked
    A few more mentions, from each class:
    Science-as I've said, Photon.
    Tech-Ant man Future:On hit, Fantman have a chance to gain a Glance buff, Psycho man can take advantage of that too, hit Fantman while he's doing a heavy attack, and get him Psycho locked.
    Cosmic-Hulkling, yes, Psycho man actually takes advantage of a Cosmic abillity-whenever Hulkling is struck, he have a chance to gain a regan buff, just hit him while he's doing a heavy, he won't get the regan, and he will be Psycho locked. Of course it won't work if you mess up and let him hit ur block for example, cuz then he will have another buff which will reduce Psycho man's abilities potency.
    Mutant-Onslaught:well, sadly Psycho man can't really do much vs The Neuroshocks, but barely anyone can... so, on hit, Onslaught have a chance to apply a Neuroshock to you. Take advantage of that, strike him while he's doing a heavy attack, you won't get a neuroshock on you, and he will be Psycho locked.
    Mystic-Wong:for this one you don't really have to hit him for the Psycho lock... when doing a heavy, Wong will go Unstoppable AND gain power, two things you can shut down... here's an example:
    And last but not least
    Skill-Mantis:this one is similar to Wong countering, except I'm not entirely sure what gets failed in her heavy... but its really that simple, let her heavy (don't interrupt the attack) and she will Psycho lock herself, easy game easy life.
    An example to that can be found here
    In minute 5:36.
    You will also get to see how Psycho man counters Hulkling and NF there.

    Now that we know Psycho man can counter champs from every corner of the battlerealm...
    Let's talk about synergies shall we?
    So the only note able one is the Mangog synergy, which makes Hate mode better and stronger, in exchange to the other modes, which is sure a price to pay but... the other modes are hardly usable anyway imo
    Now, as an owner of r5 ascended Psycho man, where/when do I use the Mangog synergy?
    So in that rank Psycho man is actually pretty decent by himself, and even soloed WoW Abs man and actually Fear mode really helped in that solo... but when I need extra fuel, extra power... say, vs alliance war boss, especially Onslaught... that's when I use the Mangog synergy...
    Let's talk about other synergies I'd like to see in the future:

    A synergy with Gladiator/other doubt themed champ called No doubt:Psycho man is unable to cycle out of Doubt mode, When an opponent's abillity fails to trigger while blocking, due to Psycho man's concussions-Psycho man gains a Pierce buff of X potency, max stacks 10. when Psycho man hits the opponent's block, inflicts instant Shock, dealing X energy dmg, damage scales with Pierce, whenever Psycho man would cycle modes, he instead gain an Armor up passive, increasing armor rating by 500, stacking up to 6 and lasting 20 seconds.

    A synergy with White tiger/Man thing/other fear themed champ:Psycho man is unable to cycle out of Fear mode, whenever Psycho man prevents an abillity to trigger during the opponent's speical attack, due to his concussions-inflict an indefinite power sting, max stacks 10. These power stings won't deal a burst of X dmg at the start of the opponent's speical attacks, instead, they will deal a burst of X energy damage EACH time an opponent's abillity fails during his speical attack, these power stings will then reapply. Whenever Psycho man would cycle modes, he instead Validates up to 3 Prowess effect off the opponent.

    And his best relic is Hulkbuster cuz it strengthens Shock which is his prime dmg source
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,894 ★★★★★

    Let's talk about other synergies I'd like to see in the future:

    A synergy with Gladiator/other doubt themed champ called No doubt:Psycho man is unable to cycle out of Doubt mode, When an opponent's abillity fails to trigger while blocking, due to Psycho man's concussions-Psycho man gains a Pierce buff of X potency, max stacks 10. when Psycho man hits the opponent's block, inflicts instant Shock, dealing X energy dmg, damage scales with Pierce, whenever Psycho man would cycle modes, he instead gain an Armor up passive, increasing armor rating by 500, stacking up to 6 and lasting 20 seconds.

    A synergy with White tiger/Man thing/other fear themed champ:Psycho man is unable to cycle out of Fear mode, whenever Psycho man prevents an abillity to trigger during the opponent's speical attack, due to his concussions-inflict an indefinite power sting, max stacks 10. These power stings won't deal a burst of X dmg at the start of the opponent's speical attacks, instead, they will deal a burst of X energy damage EACH time an opponent's abillity fails during his speical attack, these power stings will then reapply. Whenever Psycho man would cycle modes, he instead Validates up to 3 Prowess effect off the opponent.

    And his best relic is Hulkbuster cuz it strengthens Shock which is his prime dmg source

    Wow! This is the contribution/collab this topic series need.

    How much comprehension and wisdom about a champ he have!!!

    Rotation, secrets , sinergies....

    Other summoners with more insights about Psycho Man, feel free to help too.

    But I do think DarkRaw fullfilled everything here 😁

  • arifin74arifin74 Member Posts: 380 ★★★
    You could add the champion name in the title, people will find it easily who want info
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,894 ★★★★★
    arifin74 said:

    You could add the champion name in the title, people will find it easily who want info

    Thanks. Next one will have the name on title.

    Hope more people share info, so we can have a place to search when needs.

    Silver Surfer was the 1st one=
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