Help in Roster Preparation for The Collector
Did my research and watch some vids. Here are my plan roster:
1. Spidey Stark 4* (Max, unawake)
2. Corvus 4* (plan to max, awake)
3. Spider Miles Morales 5* (plan to max, to be awakened)
4. Colossus 6* (plan to max rank 1, unawakened)
5. Shang Chi 6* (plan to max rank 1, unawakened)
Is my team good enough? Or do you have any suggestions based on my roster?
Boosts, revives, and units still farming
Played 72 days now, currently Level 51, stuck on 5.2.6, roughly average skill
Colossus - can block/take multiple specials from collector
Ultron - same as colossus but also regenerate and remains sustainable.
Sparky - evades specials.
Onslaught - Nice damage
Alternatively, instead of Onslaught take galan and deal some good damage before you die
Revives also
Galan came in handy, just hope you can get the special in quick enough with the harvest.
Advice having a ton of revives backed up. He will get you when you’re least expecting it and splatter your character in 1 go.