Lagacy appreciation post

Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
As the content creator who actually made good Carina challenges I just wanted to explain why he is leagues ahead of the others, and hopefully kabam consider hiring him to make content in the future tbh.

1. Challenges should always be tough but fair. If you play really well you can solo the defenders and get through the challenges with minimal item use which is exactly how challenge content should be designed, unlike some of the EOP and gauntlet ones which are pretty much impossible to do itemless.

2. The rewards for these challenges aren't good, so the minimal investment is much appreciated. It's very easy to get 5 star starky to r5 and you can ascend him fairly easily. Even chuck and awakening gem and sig stones into him if need be. But the other challenges are very difficult and require you to spend r5 materials and even t2 ascension dust on champs you might not even like, or worse not have in the first place!!! For example if you haven't been lucky enough to pull a 7 star mojo, you are forced into highly ranking your 6 star one which feels wrong. Same with zemo (who I assume everyone has from cyber weekend, but still needs to be ranked highly) and even tigra (who is a great champion no doubt, but if you don't like her playstyle, spacing etc, you shouldn't be forced to rank her up) just to complete the challenge.

3. The challenges are not really optional as you must complete at least one for the king groot piece. And skipping this is not in fact optional as Kabam have designed a whole deathless event and quests which require these deathless champions to get the final one who, according to Kabam themselves, will be a meta-relevant champion.

I understand that this content is designed for 1% of players. I would consider myself in that rank as I am endgame valiant with 3 rank 3 champions etc. And I only want to do Lagacy's challenges and it's the same experience for other top end players, many of which have chosen to skip the other challenges all together - this is hard evidence that the other challenges are poorly designed. Even youtubers who love doing this stuff straight away don't want to do it like KT1. So Kabam really need to stop defending these awful challenges; simply admit they are over-tuned and under-rewarding.

I understand rewards will be tuned differently to different pieces of content but some of these challenges are harder than necro paths and offer way worse rewards. That is ridiculous, even winter of woe absorbing man (which had many complaints) is far easier than these challenges and the WoW rewards are much better. I get that Kabam might not want to offer r3 resources for these challenges but surely they could be less stingy with the 7 star shards and offer some titan shards.

The most annoying thing is that Kabam and the community know exactly what a good piece of content is and what a good rewards to effort ratio is. The 7 for 7 challenge was great fun and praised by everyone for being enjoyable and offering decent rewards. Necropolis was also well received as the rewards to item spend level was bang on. I even did the robot objective for winter of woe and that was much easier and actually more enjoyable than these other ridiculous carina challenges.

So thank you Lagacy, for 2 great challenges. All of the feedback to him has been positive and deservedly so.


  • TheShinyDomeTheShinyDome Member Posts: 188 ★★
    I feel like this post was less of a Lagacy appreciation post, and more of a complaint posr that we've already seen a bunch here.
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Do we really know if lagacy had a say or control on the diffuclty of his challange? Like surely he didnt come up with it all by himself. Kabam went to them and asked for challanges with certain diffuclties. Like how it probably wasnt completely on mike or fintech to come up with challanges like that. Kabam asked for them a hard challange and they had to do it.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    Do we really know if lagacy had a say or control on the diffuclty of his challange? Like surely he didnt come up with it all by himself. Kabam went to them and asked for challanges with certain diffuclties. Like how it probably wasnt completely on mike or fintech to come up with challanges like that. Kabam asked for them a hard challange and they had to do it.

    No one has said that but that's what I think.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    The only real problem I have with these challenges is that I thought that the 7 for7 one was a test run for more of those to come. I don't dislike KarateMike or Fintech's challenges the way others seem to do, but I really liked the 7 for 7 challenge and really wanted more of that. I was prepared for harder versions of it now that the test phase was over, and I guess we kind of got that with Lagacy's challenge, but the other four took a left turn into some other territory.

    Again, I don't dislike those challenges. I'll definitely try out KM's challenges relatively soon and Fintech's look about equal amounts daunting and fun. It'll probably be a while until I do them. I have a lot of rank-ups to do before that.

    But I've always enjoyed CCs based in story content more than in Everest content, and was really hoping to see more of them in Act 7 and 8 since I've enjoyed those a lot more than previous acts.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,631 ★★★★★
    I wonder, did Kabam really let all 3 content creators the same assignment of creating an extremely difficult challenge? Beacuse I just can't believe it just so happened that Lags' challenge is so much but SO MUCH (which is good) easier than the others, and you wanna tell me they all were told the same thing? Also how the heck the rewards for each challenge are the same? There's a clear massive gap in difficulty
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Ruwqiersa said:

    Do we really know if lagacy had a say or control on the diffuclty of his challange? Like surely he didnt come up with it all by himself. Kabam went to them and asked for challanges with certain diffuclties. Like how it probably wasnt completely on mike or fintech to come up with challanges like that. Kabam asked for them a hard challange and they had to do it.

    I read your comment in a French accent with added emphasis in “challange”.
  • Maxus7Maxus7 Member Posts: 58
    For me it feels like Fintech made a challenge for himself and he didn’t consider a large amount of the community. He probably know a lot of people will take a hard pass on it. Good for him right? Less 7* stark spider man and masacre running around in bg.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,603 ★★★★★
    Thanks lagacy for making a carina for TB difficulty.
    With that players won't miss their deathless piece.
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★

    Ruwqiersa said:

    Do we really know if lagacy had a say or control on the diffuclty of his challange? Like surely he didnt come up with it all by himself. Kabam went to them and asked for challanges with certain diffuclties. Like how it probably wasnt completely on mike or fintech to come up with challanges like that. Kabam asked for them a hard challange and they had to do it.

    I read your comment in a French accent with added emphasis in “challange”.
    Idk why i always write it like that
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