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Who should I r4 and awaken?

Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
It’s between Kingpin and Infamous Iron Man. I know everyone says Kingpin is the best skill but I don’t see it. He’s not the most reliable champ against evade and has no bleeds which are both common nodes for skill-champ related paths. He’s still good in my opinion though but idk

Who should I r4 and awaken? 24 votes

OllyoxenfreeANGRYEAGLE88captain_rogersEwell65SSS69Milan1405Spider_RicoSpikerjaxReignkingTWo_oCharlie21540RiptideMessy151FinalfurykSchnoodleFrostGiantLordDanish052813579rebel_Bron1Mr Wilson FiskKontestman 24 votes
Infamous Iron Man


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    Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
    Oh and I’m just focusing on mainly exploring act 8, eq, and battlegrounds
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    Nacho98Nacho98 Posts: 146 ★★
    As someone who just finished exploring act 8, Kingpin would be good for Bahamut. He’s also almost always relevant in BGs.

    Infamous Iron Man is a good champ but I only find myself using him for specific fights (mostly Bishop). And for when that happens, I just use my maxed out 5*.

    Kingpin for sure
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,647 ★★★★★
    Kingpin almost purifies every damn debuff he recieves, and is tanky, Also kingpin counters evade and defensive abilities via his s1 black iso debuff.
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    FinalfurykFinalfuryk Posts: 215 ★★
    Kingpin is the number one option for 8-2-6
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    Mr Wilson FiskMr Wilson Fisk Posts: 283 ★★
    Not only does he purity... But he gets pissed off! I have mine R4 ascended
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,675 ★★★★★
    Cap45 said:

    It’s between Kingpin and Infamous Iron Man. I know everyone says Kingpin is the best skill but I don’t see it. He’s not the most reliable champ against evade and has no bleeds which are both common nodes for skill-champ related paths. He’s still good in my opinion though but idk

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