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Can Wiccan cheese ultron

Can Wiccan cheese ultron the way he can like in act 5.6 or does it not work with the 6.1.2 ultron


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    IndianGamer3IndianGamer3 Posts: 73
    I am exploring act 6.1.2 now, I too was planning to use my R2 6 star Wiccan (though I have r4 ascended 6* Herc, CGR, Hulkling). Will confirm in some time if he works.
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    IndianGamer3IndianGamer3 Posts: 73
    He wasn't that effective (wiccan) here. I used my hulkling.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,994 ★★★★★
    Low skill, did not work.

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    Can't cheese 612 Ultron for different nodes.
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