(DECOS) Gold 4+/Map 6 AQ/ RAIDS 100% Seeking Members!

Hey there

You’re friendly alliance Deadly Commandos are looking for some new members!

We run 3 BG’s in AW and currently ranked Gold 4 looking to push for high gold/low plat this season! We’re an experienced alliance who knows only how to win and we want to keep that going!

If you’re needing to expand on your resources and rank ups then look no further than map 6 in AQ! We 100% our maps and collect around 3-4K glory a week! This should also interest you in you’re into RAIDS as we also 100% our maps and collect valuable resources.

BG is where we’re looking to grow as we ranked top 1-10% last season! We wanted to be in the ranked section so anyone who’s interested in BG’s can come put a hand in as well!

We’re looking for some serious/long term players to join us! We’re a friendly and chill alliance who helps one another grow no matter what milestone you’re on! All we ask is you follow what we’re looking for

TB+ (ThroneBreaker)
Atleast 1.5-2Mil in rating!
Discord is recommended but not a need!

If you’re interested then contact me in game or on discord and let’s get started on a legacy!

In-game: Bruh Pig
Discord: BruhPig


  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89

  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Needing 2 ASAP!
  • BatCatBatCat Member Posts: 8
    Paragon Player here. Happy to join but I don’t do AQ. What do you say?
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Send me a request
  • BatCatBatCat Member Posts: 8
    Done 🙂
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Needing 1
    Looking for Paragon/2 Mil in rating
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Still needing one
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Now needing around 5-6 people for a small rebuild!
    Gold 4 Ally and looking to improve in AQ
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Needing players ASAP!

  • Harbinger195Harbinger195 Member Posts: 139
    Looks like your numbers are back up, but if you decide you want to actively push in AW then consider a merger with my alliance. Currently p5 but previous p3. We have space for around 18ish looking for prestige 16.5, 15x R4 6*s and a selection of 7*s to be competitive at this level.

    But honestly active players are the main of it and we can work from there. Hit me up in game of you get interested name is the same 👍
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Looking for 2-3 players preferably paragon to replace some players!

  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Still needing 2
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Needing 1
  • BruhPigBruhPig Member Posts: 89
    Needing discord members to replace some old members
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