Help with next R3 and first R4 plz :)

Here are the contenders for my next r3s

Here are the contenders for my first r4 ( + any r2s i take up )

Story wise im at the GrandMaster fight , i do AW and Bgs . Any help would be apriciated as im having a hard time deciding …
p.s. these are my 5 stars so yall can have a better feel of my roster

Here are the contenders for my first r4 ( + any r2s i take up )

Story wise im at the GrandMaster fight , i do AW and Bgs . Any help would be apriciated as im having a hard time deciding …
p.s. these are my 5 stars so yall can have a better feel of my roster

Nick fury also has similar utility so r4 on him would also be a good choice. The other powerhouses that jump out to me are scorpion, torch and archangel. Of these three I'd say that only scorpion would really merit the immediate r4 and that the other two, for me at least, we're able to perform the way they're supposed to at lower ranks just fine. I didn't level my torch or archangel up past r3 for a while and they were still great...
I have no experience with werewolf so others would have to chime in there.
Nick to R4
He the Swiss Army knife of the science class