You finally broke me Kabam, congrats

I concede. You have made the game so frustrating and have ruined all game modes such that there is nothing I enjoy about the game I once loved. The recent tactics and defenders have made alliance and BGs play insufferable, story mode is boring as hell, WoW is either too hard for what it's worth or takes 2 seconds. EQ and SQ feel like a chore that HAS to be completed now with Paragon Gauntlet locked behind exploration. I am a Valiant level player who's cleared everything in the game and my roster for the new tactic is absolutely garbage. Locking tactics behind 2 classes makes some paths miserable because using all mystics or mutants on path 4 means your opponents are unblockable or have 30k attack the entire fight. Killmonger L1 clipped me and in one shot my storm PX was dead. Between Onslaught, Bullseye, Maestro, Dust and terribly designed tactics I get infuriated within 2 minutes of opening the app. These aren't challenging defenders, these are stupidly designed fights that require you to lose health and in most cases revive through the fight. You guys have gotten lazy and your champ design has gotten terrible. There's no puzzle or challenge to complete, it's "have 2-3 champs that counter this fight, or you're screwed"
I do agree that battlegrounds can be quite frustrating sometimes, when you match a player that already has bullseye, onslaught and dust R5 ascended, not to mention R3 7 stars like photon who I haven't been lucky enough to pull but I try not to let it get me down. I usually ban those champs that I hate fighting, which makes extra sense right now as I have been unlucky and not pulled any of them.
I think one of the main problems I personally experience is the lag and dropped inputs. It was horrendous after the update this month but it does seem to have improved (though I still get tagged because of it occasionally). If Kabam could sort that out, it would go a long way to improving my, and many other players BG experience, as well as questing. Kabam are also buffing BGs rewards which is at least a step in the right direction (albeit a slow one), along with the coming improvements to AI (at least I hope.)
I mean in some months the entry key system or whatver it is is so overly complicated that you have to be a rocket scientist just to figure out what you have to to.
I remember some great SQ, no ****, just a small quest with a few paths, 4 weeks = 4 slightly different quests, simple but effective.
Also the ones with the rng rewards are not my cup of tea, but the worst was a couple months back where you had to do the same quest with one path over and over again with lame rewards and every week was the same.
So please Kabam use your creative energy on something else than overly complicate the SQ
Every month or every other week, they throw in a ton of new objectives / solo events. I have to scroll a ton just to find the information I need (like scrolling to the objective that tells you to use specifically tagged champions). For some reason, the February Iron Heart stuff is still populating there (I purposefully didn't complete all the milestones since its a boring event), which is something I have to scroll past everytime I want to see what I have to do this month. I don't know why there is still 2 weeks left on the timer, when it should be over and done with once a new month's SQ/EQ starts.
And although one can use the Filter-Tag system to find the tagged champions, it is still additional annoying touch screen presses (and not remembering that the tags are within the Alliance War category, as opposed to being something they just put right at the top) before I am able to actually play the game.