Anyone use Venom in BGs?

Just pulled the 7 star and curious on what matters the most and what matters the least in BGs before I rank 2 him. I only run 1 point in deep wounds and I don't have his relic as even a 5 star.
Anyone use Venom in BGs? 55 votes
Max Deep Wounds > His Awakening > Venom Relic
If he crits, it deals a lot of damage, he mostly ends the fight in 30-35 seconds. But if you have poor buff rng, you might waste time in heaviesz switching buffs. He is kinda similar to domino and Hyperion.
I'm lucky I have the awakening and relic, but my advice is put him in your deck, use him in a few matches and see how YOU like him.
Maxing out deep wounds, or at least having more than one point would be a good idea though.
But it might get you reported. He is a beast.
Alternatively, if it's a 6* relic, it goes well with cgr since it helps cgr extend his combo after the huge sp2(only 6* relic loads by the time you launch sp2).
How much do you guys run in DW when you use him in BGs? Have you happened to run both 1/5 and max DW to be able to tell if theres a significant difference?
I haven't changed my bg masteries since the beginning of last season so I can't remember 100%, but it's either 4 or 5 pts.
He destroys low sig/unduped FAM