Missing magic tickets

DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 788 ★★★★
I added up the math weeks ago and everything checked out. I played every single day and made sure of it after missing that one day. However now I’m short 2 tickets and there’s literally no explanation almost has if the solo event didn’t count those last two tickets. Please someone look into this.


  • RO53TT1RO53TT1 Member Posts: 325 ★★
    I’m with you something isn’t adding up for some players, im only thronebreaker so I really don’t count, but I did the event everyday and somehow I’m at 19/20 points, a lot of players are short a point without missing a day but we all know kabam and their system doesn’t make mistakes so here we are.
  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 788 ★★★★
    RO53TT1 said:

    I’m with you something isn’t adding up for some players, im only thronebreaker so I really don’t count, but I did the event everyday and somehow I’m at 19/20 points, a lot of players are short a point without missing a day but we all know kabam and their system doesn’t make mistakes so here we are.

  • KossukoseKossukose Member Posts: 61
    Same here missing 2 tickets
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