Looking for new home

Have run map 6 AQ. Do all alliance 3day events. Add if need new member. I do have Line ScotchJones35oyyby5ffcwpu.png


  • DevoniusDevonius Member Posts: 32
    What are you looking to get from alliance?
  • ScotchJones35ScotchJones35 Member Posts: 8
    Just looking to grow. Get my prestige higher. Active member with communication and organization in their war and AQ
  • Joestacks85Joestacks85 Member Posts: 183
    NYNY Howling Commandos. Map 5x5 and tier 2-4 aw.
  • SamValdezSamValdez Member Posts: 43
    Hey bud!... still looking for an ally?
    Im building one as i type... "League of Brothers"

    almost all of us are strong and experienced... Were gonna start w/map 5 and war...

    let me know if your interested... friend me in line samvaldez1
  • Mangas50Mangas50 Member Posts: 73
    Request sent. Hesin is the alliance tag
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