Looking for Aq focused alliance (map5/6)

I'm looking for an alliance that's Aq (map5/6) focused with no or optional war and no BG minimums.
I'm a Paragon player with 17k prestige who actually likes playing AQ .
My line id Strontium D
Ig Strontium Dog


  • HoadyOZHoadyOZ Member Posts: 281 ★★
    We have a single AQ5 group that always completes, but need help with exploration.
    We have 2 voluntary AW groups, and no BG or incursion requirements. We'd appreciate your help in AQ. Connect ingame to XSFury or tag WwS22.
  • Avenger_A1Avenger_A1 Member Posts: 408
    We're a friendly and supportive alliance looking to replace some players. AQ maps 655 (Glory rewards 5000 per week). AW semi-competitive optional, no stress. BG is optional, but we do well as an alliance.

    We're relaxed, but need active AQ players.

    Alliance name: District 10 (Tag: DTEN)
    Contact in-game: Avenger A-1
    Line ID: avenger-a-1
  • Meister_of_LXMeister_of_LX Member Posts: 32
    [ΛVRHT] is looking for members. We are a mainly AQ focused alliance, we do maps 5 and 4 so it's very easy to grind some glory and all we ask our members is to participate daily in AQ and meet us on LINE. search for [ΛVRHT] if you're interested and request to join or add me "Herr Nietzsche" in-game.
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