More raids

Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
After the tweaks Kabam made to Raids, I think pretty much everyone who does them, enjoys them. Personally it's the only week of AQ that I actually look forward to in the whole month. So why not increase the frequency of raids so that we do 2 weeks AQ, one week raids, or even every other week? It's a really cool gamemode and it's a shame we only get to play it once a month. AW is a mess right now and AQ feels as stale as ever, so pretty much everyone would be in favour of more raids.

Also, if they aren't going to increase the frequency of raids, then I think it would be nice if Kabam changed the 25% random t6cc to a selector, or made it a random 50% t6cc just to increase the minimum reward. It's the most common and worst reward right now (equivalent to 2.4k trophy tokens for a valiant player) and would make players feel slightly better about pulling it from a raids chest, especially as there's such a huge disparity between the best and worst rewards from raids chests.


  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,045 ★★★★
    You could afford to do this? I spend about 2250 glory a week to get 30 raid tickets.

    Considering that cost would go up if I had to buy more, I would have very little (if enough) glory to cover 2x the cost.

    I do not want to spend any of the other currencies toward raids, because 75% of a random T6cc simply isn't worth it. I have never gotten titan shards and only ever received 3k 7 star shards.

    Unless they can update the complete and total BS RNG of rewards from this chest, I don't want to invest more into the resources, I could just get more from the glory store instead.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,815 ★★★★★
    Do you guys complain when someone gets a revive from a chest in other game modes and you only get a small piece of ISO?...
    Chest content has always been random. The true reward from completing the raid is at the end on Monday when it finishes.
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★

    Do you guys complain when someone gets a revive from a chest in other game modes and you only get a small piece of ISO?...
    Chest content has always been random. The true reward from completing the raid is at the end on Monday when it finishes.

    That's completely different as it's the disparity in raids rewards is what most ppl have an issue with. Especially considering you are paying for raids tickets. You don't pay to do a quest which has a chest that might give you iso or pots or a revive.

    A 25% t6cc selector is nothing compared to the titan shards jackpot or a 7 star ultron. That's what people (understandably) have an issue with. And I do agree that that rewards floor is a bit too low.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,045 ★★★★

    Do you guys complain when someone gets a revive from a chest in other game modes and you only get a small piece of ISO?...
    Chest content has always been random. The true reward from completing the raid is at the end on Monday when it finishes.

    I feel like the chests in GM Gauntlet weren't random

    I also feel like you guided onto the wrong part of this post

    I am simply saying that the floor is too low and the disparity is too vast for me to want to pay the entry fee 2x, when I could guarantee better rewards from the glory store
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