Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Low Plat alliance looking for members

We are a solid middle ground alliance who value pushing for the best rewards we can but not at the expense of life. So long as you are active, friendly and looking to enjoy the game you will find a great home with us. Minimum requirements due to the level we play at are:

16.5k prestige,
15x R4 or above 6* champions
5x 7* champions

Please feel free to put your line Addy on here and I can message you. Or equally just jump straight and message me directly either I'm game or on line. I'm Harbinger195 wherever I go. Hope to speak to you soon.


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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    3 new members already, think that's a new recruitment record. However, we still have more spaces so I hope to hear from more of you soon!
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    Spaces still available
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    Bondor16Bondor16 Posts: 16
    I might be interested in joining after this war season. How do we get in touch
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    @Bondor16 just drop me a DM either on Line (ideally) or in game my tag is the same as on here Harbinger195. Would be great to hear from you :)
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    Dboy_03Dboy_03 Posts: 9
    Are u still looking for members?
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    @dboy yes bud drop me a line message
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    As a follow up we are still looking for members so anybody interested please drop me a line message though spaces are filling fast. I look forward to hearing from you!
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    Still looking :)
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    Still on the hunt for a few more if anyone would like to join in the fun :)
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    Harbinger195Harbinger195 Posts: 135
    Had to remove a few members due to inactivity so recruiting for 5 more
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