Winter of Woe valiant points

Ddr7822Ddr7822 Member Posts: 25
How many WoW points should valiant have now? I have 17 and didn't do that robot challenge but with the 6 remaining challenges I'd get 23/24. Is this correct or is the robot points still to be issued?


  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,032 ★★★★★
    Robot point has been given.

    Valiant can get 8 points - 6 objectives, completion and exploration.
  • Fara_Fara_ Member Posts: 70
    Mail said that the two path chests have a point in them. Are those the completion and exploration points?
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
    Ive done all but Gamma (ive done Deathless Guil), expect for Valiant ones, since im not there yet, im good right? Since they gave that robot one away, i wont miss anything, only Valiant stuff correct?
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