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Double Track event: visual glitch or lost reward?

GokageGokage Posts: 12

I was looking at the Double Track section of the game and noticed that on the last day of the Gold Track it’s showing that I’ve already collected part of the rewards. Seeing as that’s impossible, I’m wondering if it’s a visual glitch that means I’ll be able to still collect on the day, or if I’ll be missing out on the Platinum Poolooza Crystal on that day?


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    _Pez__Pez_ Posts: 226 ★★★
    Looks the same to me so who knows!
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    GokageGokage Posts: 12
    Same as in same as mine or same as it looks regular?
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    Ghostrunner01Ghostrunner01 Posts: 151 ★★
    You can only claim the gold track rewards every 23 hours. The checkmark on the crystal is a visual bug.
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    AshacekarAshacekar Posts: 1,857 ★★★★
    Happens all the time. Last reward always gets checked few days before event ends. That's just visual glitch
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    GokageGokage Posts: 12
    edited April 8
    Ashacekar said:

    Happens all the time. Last reward always gets checked few days before event ends. That's just visual glitch

    That’s funky, yeah and the crystal even changed to another before I claimed it. I guess, outside of the progression selector, there wasn’t a crystal to be had
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