Luke cage is way worse than spidergwen, spider gwen actually has decent damage and is more fun to play than Mr.pillow hands. The worst science champion is she hulk, basically a less utility luke cage
I would encourage you to spend some time with her. She can deal some pretty heavy Damage when you stack Armor Break. Spam some Heavies and get an L2 in.
Luke Cage has immunity, chance of stun and indestructible ,when duped, which I find useful. Spidergwen is worst by far
Waow immunity, when you gonna use it ? Never, same goes for indestructible.
Both spider Gwen and Luke cage are only good for Arena, and she finishes fights way faster than he does, therefore she is better
Waow immunity, when you gonna use it ? Never, same goes for indestructible.
Both spider Gwen and Luke cage are only good for Arena, and she finishes fights way faster than he does, therefore she is better
Followed by fix it
SG can do decent damage and cage can stun and is bleed immune. So they are more useful than the above 2