If I become Valiant before Winter of Woe ends, will I be able to complete the 2 extra challenges?

I’m at 19 points right now in the winter of woe milestone, but if I was able to complete the 2 extra valiant objectives I would be able to reach the 21 milestone. Does anyone know if this happens?


  • Supersha7Supersha7 Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Thanks that’s great. Always good to have a verified answer :)
  • dannyrottendannyrotten Member Posts: 95
    I got super stressed because after I beat ham, I collected the 2 points and realized I was at 20 and thought it was a huge waste to do it…

    Then I moved to end of quest and saw the chest has the extra point in it 😂
  • Cryptoman78Cryptoman78 Member Posts: 64
    Yes I can confirm I got 2 additional objectives once I became valiant.
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