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Which Champs should I upgrade for Act 6

Hi all,I know that we need to build a roster for act 6 so which champs do I upgrade,also I have fully explored act 5 so do I need to variant back issues


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    TAN06010601TAN06010601 Posts: 25
    edited April 28
    Is wolverine a good champion??
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    PT_99PT_99 Posts: 3,217 ★★★★★
    Warlock, Kingping, doom, Kate
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,706 ★★★★★
    Apocalypse+ wolverine, Doom and Kingpin
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    GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Posts: 674 ★★★
    edited April 28
    Warlock, Nick Fury (If you can awaken him, needs 1 sig), Torchy, Doom and Kingpin.

    I belive they alone can do 1 run through act 6.

    Is wolverine a good champion??

    With Apoc, and as horseman, yes, very good 🫡
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    shield311shield311 Posts: 384 ★★
    Warlock and Ultron as they are robots and immunities are great in act6

    Scorpion, doom, kate and maybe galan for general utility + damage

    Nick and apoc for synergies and certsin fights throughtout act 6
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    JackTheSnackJackTheSnack Posts: 40
    Doom and Warlock for sure. Honestly with the events now you could awaken NF. Kate is good. Galan is good. Quicksilver is decent. If you ranked up a few of these you could prob get rank up materials or dupes from Battlegrounds.
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    TAN06010601TAN06010601 Posts: 25
    Thanks guys
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 548 ★★
    Idom scorp Kate herc
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    TAN06010601TAN06010601 Posts: 25

    Idom scorp Kate herc

    Isn’t a 4 star herc kinda useless at act 6
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    BirbmanBirbman Posts: 117
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    RDR2JammyRDR2Jammy Posts: 43
    edited April 29
    I see you're a fellow player with Peni as your current top champ and we both use a Sentinal relic
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    TAN06010601TAN06010601 Posts: 25
    RDR2Jammy said:

    I see you're a fellow player with Peni as your current top champ and we both use a Sentinal relic

    She’s really cool

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    obsidimanobsidiman Posts: 851 ★★★
    This may be a bit outdated but I found it useful when taking on Act 6.

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