Would you rank-up Photon & Onslaught 7 stars when you have them 6r5 comp 200 ascended?

After many months of bad luck with 7*, I got pissed and ranked up so many 6r5, put them comp200 and ascended them. Including Photon & Onslaught.
And now last week I got back to back Onslaught & Photon 7 stars
Are they even worth ranking up not awaken in comparison of the 6r5 ascended? Even at comp20 if I awaken one of them? I also have enough rank-up materials for one 7r3. Or would you just not bother and focus on other future good champions?
And now last week I got back to back Onslaught & Photon 7 stars

So my advice would be leave the photon alone for now , and prioritise other champs. Onslaught's sig isn't that important but I doubt you'd need the r3 over the 6* R5 ascended since he's going to be banned for about 90% of the time anyway and unless you play very high tier battlegrounds you don't need that much fire power.
So NO, don't waste r3 resources on them and take other champs that you don't have maxed out for now. You can take them up later when the resources are easier to get
Then Explored Act 8 and got a Mutant R2-3 gem.
Guess what, I gave it to Onslaught. 😜
Now I have one onslaught for defence and one for offence
I guess it depends on how much resources you have coming in. I have a r6 Onslaught that I picked up from arena and just pulled the 7* - I'm not spending on getting him to r3 with this event, but I am currently planning on going full mutant selectors from Spring of Sorrow or whatever and he'll probably be my next r3. I think the CR and Stat Focus available to 7* champs will make him that much more of a threat.
Photon I'd ideally want awakened. But same thing - if you like her and see her having value going forward there's no reason to not have both for the foreseeable future. My r3 Pig is on defense, but I still bring my 6* to war for some fights. And I absolutely loved using the 7* in 8.4, and he's a monster in BGs.
If you're opponent is using a r2/3 Mantis or elsa, Your photons getting absolutely destroyed whether it's a r3 or R5 ascended and if they don't have a proper counter/ don't know how to play around her mechanics they'll die either way . Those few seconds won't matter if you don't play high tier bgs
Edit: another piece of advice take her to r4 first if you're happy with the damage keep her there if you're not ASCENDED her first instead of R5, cause ascension dust is much more accessible compared to those catalysts, if you're still looking for more damage then sure R5 them but I personally prefer to prioritise champs that aren't likely to come as 7* in the near future, or someone like abs man or Kate that need MAX sig ideally for R5 before the ones available as 7*s
These 4 are my favourite champs in the game btw. I just don't see anywhere I'd use the unawakened 7* over my 6*s rn, so they're just AQ picks for me.
I might rank them up if I have resources to spare, but no plans currently.
Max sig photon r5a will do alot more than a r3 unduped.
Onslaught however doesn't really need the sig. as much as it helps with his damage output, it's not a huge deal so if you want to use one on defense (7r3) then one on offense (6r5A) then he would be worth it.
After some abysmal luck on my last 4 titan openings, I went ahead and R5A + Max sigged my Onslaught and my Kushala, so I doubt I would invest much in a 7* version of those in the near term even if I did pull them - better to invest in my other strong 7*s. I usually only ascend champs that aren’t in the 7* pool, but these two are so good - and not easily available - that I made an exception.
I probably won’t have many more issues with this problem though - I doubt I’m going to be R5 many more 6*s at this point outside of rank up gems, and I have already R5d the really key 6*s that i don’t think we are going to see in the 7* pool any time soon.