Necropolis planning

Since I'm planning for my first completion run I wish to ask if 75 revives and 5000 units in reserve will be enough. To my great sadness I haven't mastered Kate Bishop to the extent needed for everest content can still use her well in short and medium formats. Since, it's my first ever future completion run I am thinking of simply using Brute Force and smashing through the paths... so this is the team I'm thinking of going with... 6 star rank 5 ascended Aegon, 6 star rank 3 Proxima(synergy for Aegon), Heimdall(Lifesaver synergy), 7 star rank 2 Shuri for fights like Captain Britian, Wiccan, Dragonman. Psychoman and maybe Airwalker that fight is the one I am most worried about. Last team slot will be 6 star rank 4 Juggernaut for reverse control immunity possibly May rank 5 and ascend him if I don't get 7 star. What do you guys think? Should I go with this team? I am open to all the tips and tricks. I am as of now practicing against Titania and to get comfortable. I will be taking the Titania path for my first ever completion run.

I did a similar run but I replaced Shuri with 7R2 Wong and wong solos many fights in Necro.
Ended up costing me 15~20 revives for the entire path and 10 for GM
Also, highly advice you save those units to buy the monthly potion and revives bundles that are 500 each to do the rest of Necropolis.
And you won't need to rank juggs, he's fine at r4 if all you're using him for is GM.
Considering that they got rid of 1, did #2 (by making his degens more accessible, and did #7, I think so. If they make it so I can see his genetic code victories in the pre-fight screen, it will definitely be a win.
Yeah definitely keep an eye out, always pays off.
Edit : well you have 7* r2 shuri, then definitely do take her she is really helpful. Take doom instead of proxima. Yes prox is useful if you mess up but that air walker fight is very terrible without doom. I did air walker fight with Aegon once and it costed me 20 revives, it was my costliest fight in necro exploration.
If good, ditch Proxima and choose another attacker.