Looking for an alliance that is active in AQ/BG’s (don’t mind participating in war if it’s required)
Got a good amount of elders saved up for next season


  • ZelloxZellox Member Posts: 20
    You can hmu on line as well
    Line ID: zell0x
  • SergeantPsychoticSergeantPsychotic Member Posts: 85
    Hi there we would be happy to have you with us we have spaces atm, we are Map 7 AQ/ we do raids/ War Gold Tier 5/ Top 20% BG's/ +Line app if you are interested we would be happy to have you I added you in game feel free to get intouch on line app my ID: sergeantpsychotic
  • BarnabasCollinsBarnabasCollins Member Posts: 145
    AW G4, AQ 6/4 for 4000+ glory, BGs 5.8 million this season. Relaxed but active group. Jake Jortles in game
  • ZelloxZellox Member Posts: 20
    No longer looking.
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