Increased rewards
Member Posts: 6 ★
Diar Kabam moderators
Could you consider the issue about increasing awards for the alliance officers , during the completion of the Alliance war cycles or at the end of the season as a whole. Because this category of players undergoes painstaking and extensive work in this mode, and receive rewards on an equal basis with everyone else. This big job should be rewarded according to its merits. You have already taken one step towards rewarding the individual player in the war of alliances, you began to take into account individual indicators based on the results of the battle, why not take a second, and finally encourage the officers, because a successful game depends of a large knowledge in this mode.Increased rewards will motivate players to take the functions of officer. Currently it is very difficult to find players which is like to take the additional responsibilities.
This will greatly contribute to the promotion and development of our Favorite game.
Best regards!
Could you consider the issue about increasing awards for the alliance officers , during the completion of the Alliance war cycles or at the end of the season as a whole. Because this category of players undergoes painstaking and extensive work in this mode, and receive rewards on an equal basis with everyone else. This big job should be rewarded according to its merits. You have already taken one step towards rewarding the individual player in the war of alliances, you began to take into account individual indicators based on the results of the battle, why not take a second, and finally encourage the officers, because a successful game depends of a large knowledge in this mode.Increased rewards will motivate players to take the functions of officer. Currently it is very difficult to find players which is like to take the additional responsibilities.
This will greatly contribute to the promotion and development of our Favorite game.
Best regards!
Being an officer out of good will, with no extra rewards is the healthiest setup imo.
Take pride in what you're doing for the other members, at least that's something.
heavy is the head that hangs the crown, dude. alliances are optional. leading an alliance is optional. and setting up the goals of an alliance, developing officers to communicate and plan, accepting and keeping/ kicking members, are all chosen and accepted responsibilities from there.
they payoff is in the reward levels your team achieve together. leader reaps the benefits based on the people they develop and work with. the EXTRA is, you get to steer. set the tone, add and kick, tailor the team to personal standards.
Now with that attitude I wouldn't be surprised why you can't find people helping running your alliance 😂
Merit should be determined by effort.
It's a choice. You're not gonna get extra rewards for deciding you want to play the role of officer or leader of an alliance.
It's not like officers are all the most highly skilled of the groups. They don't always take the hardest fights and they certainly don't always do more for the bgs than other members.