new top 5

kajekaje Member Posts: 6
so most my champs kinda suck and all the 5 stars i get are like kinda lame. im on act 5 tryna fight the collector, who should i use? these ppl are low ik i’d upgrade them first


  • kajekaje Member Posts: 6
    theres these ppl too, i like having one of each class when im in quests
  • kajekaje Member Posts: 6

  • crusher884crusher884 Member Posts: 57
    cgr archangel warlock and quicksilver are all pretty good
  • LokxLokx Member Posts: 1,398 ★★★★
    Try awaken that archangel. Awaken that kitty pryde as well and rank her up. With awakening if you push grandmaster to sp3 by accident you can tank the whole damage. Its been a while since facing gm so i don’t recall entirely but i’m pretty sure he had a phase that would keep constantly pushing him to sp3.

    Scorps is a good damage dealer.

    Cgr obviously mvp damage dealer

    Gorr is good. Great heals and good damage over time. Plus if you play him right u can do two sp3 in a row quickly.

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