Who should I ascend?

I hava 2 generic 5* awakening gems, 300 T1 Primordial dust, and these champions below. Please suggest 2 for me to upgrade. My current team is composed of 5* Doom, 5* Hulkling, 6* Lady Deathstrike, 6* Namor, and 6* Omega Sentinel. I am hoping to add 2 more, so I could have diverse attackers.
Adam Warlock
Absorbing Man
Magneto White
Magneto Red
Omega Red
Adam Warlock
Absorbing Man
Magneto White
Magneto Red
Omega Red
Depending on your sig and how much u use omega red he is a decent choice.
Archangel is a great choice too.
Imo the way i think about ascension is how often i use them, the likely hood of getting them at a higher rarity in comparison to their usefulness (i.e if i had a 5* herc and no 6* i would easily ascend him because he will always have a use). And lastly how much sig goes into them to be useful. So higher sig reliant champs will always get ascended before the less sig reliant ones.
Absman wants high sig, though, where onslaught awakening is nice, but not needed.