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7* Rankup

Johny_JoestarJohny_Joestar Posts: 59
edited June 9 in General Discussion
Not sure who to rank up,I have a skill r3 gem but i wanna do necropolis next so maybe I could r2 guillotine 2099,not sure if shes good for necro tho. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Also Ironman storm and wiccan are r2


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    TheXunknownTheXunknown Posts: 14
    Hello. Guillotine isn't necessary for Necropolis, she was mainly suggested for the Immortal Abomination path. I used Kate for most of Necropolis, and r4 Aegon for that lbom path. But I mean Kate/Aegon and other specific counters for various fights. As for the gem, Falcon is decent but I'd advise doing Necropolis then pick the 7* Skill crystal and see if you can get better r3 worthy champions like Mantis, duped Killmonger, duped Korg etc.
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,692 ★★★★★
    Hold the skillgem, rank up shocker or guardian
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,539 ★★★★★
    Crossbones right now is the best option for the skill gem
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