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6star awakening gem from murder box

Foxhero007Foxhero007 Posts: 749 ★★★
I pull a 6star mutant awakening gem from my murder box and used it on my 6star GoldPool.


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    Final_OrderFinal_Order Posts: 127
    Well, you do you I guess!
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    LONERANGER_141LONERANGER_141 Posts: 54
    yoryie is that you? @Foxhero007
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    smdam38smdam38 Posts: 955 ★★★
    If you’ve done everything, what else you gonna do?.
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    OldManHopOldManHop Posts: 288 ★★★

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    SammyDeSammyDe Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    Wow, nice champ to use. Do you have a spare one for Archangel? He is pretty good awaken too.
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    OldManHopOldManHop Posts: 288 ★★★
    edited June 21
    Buttehrs said:

    This is obviously just my opinion, but I feel that these are the types of Champs that awakening gems are made. Because they are exceptionally hard to get naturally to begin with.

    I actually got 5* Goldpool fairly early in my MCOC career and, in an enormous show of inexperience, I threw all my rankup resources at him thinking I'd use him for Variant #8 (I didn't.) Now, I'm lucky if he even gets used in arenas.

    I don't wanna be that guy, but you're responding to someone who's been playing the game for 7 years and just recently beat Grandmaster. I feel like there's gotta be way better options that actually enable more forward momentum. I mean, rank up the champs you enjoy - of course. Have fun... but man, that AA could've used the awakening way more.
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