Battlegrounds/general roster help

Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
I read a post earlier today where people were talking about high level battlegrounds, and it made me realize that I’ve got a pretty bad idea of how to make a competitive battlegrounds deck for where I am in the game. So I thought I’d make this post to get battlegrounds roster advice. I recently finished act 8, so I’ve got a large amount of rank up resources. Posted below are my entire 6 and 7 star roster and one photo of my top 5* champions since some of them are still in my deck. Battlegrounds related advice is why I’m posting this, but other advice is welcome too.


  • BENNYJBENNYJ Member Posts: 141
    Some seasons will require specific champs but as a rule of thumb, looking at your roster, I’d rank up AA, CGR, Torch and Ham. Mr Sinister is the perfect Bullseye counter
  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    To add to what BENNYJ said, it also helps to watch some streams of content creators doing BGs. You'll get an idea of who they like to use and who they hate to go against, and you'll probably want to rank up both.
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