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I use to sell champions 😞

WokeMuggleWokeMuggle Posts: 4
edited July 3 in Suggestions and Requests
I have played for so long that I use to sell my champs for resources to upgrade 3 stars and 4 stars. I didn’t know how bad it would mess with long term gameplay… can you guys add a way to get lower level champs easier in the game? Or lower the cost of 2 star and 3 stars?? Their price has never been updated. The only thing holding me back.


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    WokeMuggleWokeMuggle Posts: 4
    I see a lot of people getting max sig crystals and benefit from those rewards.. if you sold heros you never get them! I didn’t know :neutral:
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    WokeMuggleWokeMuggle Posts: 4
    Also my overall rating is trash bc I don’t have a lot of low level heros… should rating be changed to reflect top few hero’s instead?
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    WokeMuggleWokeMuggle Posts: 4
    I don’t mind the grind to get the lower star heros back… just need help!
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,671 ★★★★★
    You can literally sneeze and get 2 and 3 star champions what are you talking about
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    CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Posts: 850 ★★★
    Selling champs is noob move
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    Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Posts: 256 ★
    edited July 3
    @WokeMuggle they're offering "collectors" flavor of the month crystals; 2* champ from the (this month for example) Arcade Classics champ pool, for 100 units.

    DO NOT BUY THESE, unless you REALLY wanna be a completionist.

    rock out as much 4* arena as you can. PHC shards, your 2&3 will build back up. also, you need the units (we all do).

    Sunday 2*/3* arena is basically ONLY good for replacing 2*/3*s. and should take you like a half hour?

    they'll sometimes just give away rando low level champs? "I've got al least a 2* Jubilee free so I can complete ten fights for this monthly objective and get a cookie".

    once, maybe twice a year, they roll out a 1*/2* arena event, and always give away, or make easily available, champs to run it with. that's your real time to replace.

    again, 2*/3* are NOT worth units. just a little patience. coming from 196 2* roster.

    and this is why they took away "sell champs", bro.
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,564 ★★★★★
    Pin this message to the main page for lols and a warning for the people who keep on asking for it.
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