Next R2 Tech

The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
I already have a R3 Guardian (thanks Jax <3), but now I'm looking for a tech champ with utility that doesn't rely on shock, but can't decide between these champs

Next R2 Tech 53 votes

Guillotine 2099 sig 100 (I just keep pulling her)
BuggyDClownFutbol_4_LIFEKingering_King 3 votes
Captain America Sam Unduped
Hulkbuster sig 20
RaganatorMagrailothosHilldarAyden_noah1Aykut387Ewell65SSS69AozerRenaxqqGiantwalrus56BeastDadWinterFieldsRiptideOakenshieldCyrillFromTulaUltragamerwillrun4adonutorpimeSOliver345781Qwerasd007Bishop 29 votes
Iron Man OG Unduped
KeltanMattDRKLogan00SammyDe13579rebel_MORTAL_07Nacho98Brill_14HuntslushyShadowking79AllisonEdits 11 votes
Shocker Unduped
Fydaneaslaslaslaslaslcaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001ItsClobberinTimeWasy1SchnoodleHatsumomoDenic_2580Nemesis_17 10 votes


  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,494 ★★★★★
    Guillotine 2099 sig 100 (I just keep pulling her)
    She's my r3
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,443 ★★★★★
    Shocker Unduped
    Best dual threat out of the five, and top 5 tech imo purely because of speed and how many meta defenders he's capable of taking, the prowess removal and the rest of his utility is just a plus.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★
    Shocker Unduped
    Shocker really needs high sig for bgs though.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 594 ★★★
    Hulkbuster sig 20
    Still pretty underrated with how much he can take
  • MattDRKMattDRK Member Posts: 199
    Iron Man OG Unduped
    Iron Man isnt reliant on shock and has an insane damage, especially against mutants with prowesses buffs.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,339 ★★★★★
    Hulkbuster sig 20
  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 200 ★★

    What do you need most? You've got three really good options:

    Hulkbuster is the single most powerful Power Control champion in the game. He's very tanky; no actual immunities but has Bleed/Poison resistance, and can trip opponents up by reducing their Offensive Ability Accuracy. If you need to use his Sig in Questing/Incursions, it doesn't have the once-per-quest limit that Classic Iron Man has.

    Iron Man is a hard-hitter with immunities; simple to use, and amazing against Prowess mutants. He's great, but (1) benefits from his Sig for damage, and (2) even with the Sig, his damage and Hulkbuster's are pretty similar.

    Personally I'd go Hulkbuster - his damage and control are amazing. But they're all good choices.

    Really good input, I was absolutely convinced to Rank up Hulkbuster until a minute ago when I dupped Iron Man, does that change anything in your opinion?
  • aslaslaslaslaslaslaslaslaslasl Member Posts: 37
    Shocker Unduped
    I have a r3 ironman unawakeed, I initially ranked him up just to be valiant, he was my best tech champ back then (others were sam, rocket and g99).

    But now I really love that guy. Pretty good nimrod replacement, great and satisfying to use, insanely good for raids, and comes in clutch in defence (dudes tanks without proper counter).

    But I could see myself going for Shocker to r3 if I had him. I've seen a few clips and really liked those. And in general I hear he is better champ. That's why I vote Shocker. But can't go wrong with ironman too, or even hb.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,166 ★★★★★
    Hulkbuster sig 20

    What do you need most? You've got three really good options:

    Hulkbuster is the single most powerful Power Control champion in the game. He's very tanky; no actual immunities but has Bleed/Poison resistance, and can trip opponents up by reducing their Offensive Ability Accuracy. If you need to use his Sig in Questing/Incursions, it doesn't have the once-per-quest limit that Classic Iron Man has.

    Iron Man is a hard-hitter with immunities; simple to use, and amazing against Prowess mutants. He's great, but (1) benefits from his Sig for damage, and (2) even with the Sig, his damage and Hulkbuster's are pretty similar.

    Personally I'd go Hulkbuster - his damage and control are amazing. But they're all good choices.

    Really good input, I was absolutely convinced to Rank up Hulkbuster until a minute ago when I dupped Iron Man, does that change anything in your opinion?
    It definitely makes it a slightly tougher choice!

    He'll be tougher, with the block proficiency boost. And his damage will be boosted in Overload. You could try them out, and see if IM is the stronger champion, now.

    The regeneration is nice - it works out at 23% health recovery; but it's only a one-off if you're questing (if you Awaken HB, it works repeatedly...)

    I think it really depends on the utility you want: personally, I've always loved Power Control; but Iron Man's dual immunities and Prowess removal are great, too.

    Remember that both of those guys rely on Armour Break for their damage, so can struggle against shrug-off champions and certain Mystics.
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