Magnetron Crystal Count

So I'm sitting at 74 points and have done just about everything to get these crystals but the only thing stumping me is the crystals from incursions zones 1-10 and have only made it up to Zone 7 in regards to crystals. But i'm only missing 3 more from incursions and the info graphic released at the start of the saga indicates there will be 104 total, will i still be able to get the 7* from 100 total crystals?

-3 from from sector 8,9,10 would put you at 76, with 1 to spare, so you should be at 76, with 75 being the hard cut off sight now. Since you're at 74, you e missed some along the way. You'll either have to spend to get the extra, or go deeper in incursions without spending.
But my most proudest moment though is beating a Rintrah on zone 20 with Hercules with the linked degen node active.